Hey guys I am working on a bulk routine for me and my brother to start on the beginning of July. Ive always done 3 days weeks. I am thinking about upping it to 4 days hitting everything twice.
Day 1: Chest, Shoulders, Tris
Flat Bench BB - 3x6-8
Incline Flys - 3x6-8
Seated Press DB - 3x6-8
Lateral Raises - 3x6-8
Skull Crushers - 3x6-8
Rope Pulley Overhead Ext - 3x6-8
Day 2: Legs, Back, Bis
Dead Lifts - 3x6-8
Leg Press - 3x6-8
Leg Curls - 3x6-8
Rows - 3x6-8
BB Curls - 3x6-8
Seated Alternating Curls - 3x6-8
Calf Raises - 3x8-12
Day 3: Chest, Shoulders, Tris
Incline DB Press - 3x6-8
Decline Flys - 3x6-8
Standing BB Press - 3x6-8
Upright Rows - 3x6-8
Weighted Bench Dips- 3x6-8
Tri Pushdowns - 3x6-8
Day 4: Legs, Back, Bis
Hack Squats - 3x6-8
Roman Dead Lifts - 3x6-8
Weighted Pullups - 3x6-8
Machine Rows - 3x6-8
Hammer Curls - 3x6-8
Reserve Grip Curls - 3x6-8
Calf Raises - 3x8-12
I work out at a little college gym…so no Squat Rack. I am hoping Deads and Hack Squats will do.
Let me know what you guys think.
Im gonna track the workout and progress on the Nation at the start of July looking to put on some pounds.