Building Mass Routine

I wanted to get some feedback on it first before I started. I’m aiming to work on the big compounds to build muscle mass…

Below is meant to be Monday and Tuesday session’s, If you guys have any advice to upgrade the program into 3day sessions, Sun, Mon, Tue - I will try 110% to fit the sunday in.

Weight Progression = I will lift 8RM until I can lift 10reps, I will stick with the 10RM weight for 1 to 2 sessions and then lift my new 8RM…Repeat!

Or what do you guys think I should do?

Day 1

Bench press 2x8
Incline Dumbell Fly 3x8
Tricep dips 2/3x20
BB standing military press 2x8 (slightly wider than shoulder width grip)
Lying Incline Barbell Raise 2x8
Pull ups 4x10 (Palms facing)
Upright Row 4x8

Day 2

Squats 4x8
Leg Press 3x8
Lunges 3x8
SLDL 2x10
Calf raise 3x20
Ab Crunches 2xMAX
Lying Leg raises 2xMAX

Feedback on the workout routine? Any changes or improvements needed and where? The amount of volume is one thing i’m concerned about.


You really need some direct back work in there. Doing DL and pullups are not enough with that amount of chest ex’s. Get some Bent Rows in there somewhere.

I agree, only thing that seems to be missing is something like barbell rows…or is that what you mean by upright rows maybe?

Hey Guys, Thanks for the replies,

Oh yeah I forgot to put Bent Over Rows in on Day 1 my mistake, I was meant to though. I done most of the exercises from Day 1 yesterday for a trail test run, Today only seems to be my Delts and Chest which are really sore and made that impact, probarly from the press and bench, even my arms are fine, I’ve been thinking and I think I’m going to split it all up into 3 Days, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Sunday’s are not always the best days but I’ll manage if I dont manage Plan B will be doing DAY 1 in the post above and with Bent Rows included.

Do you guys think the below will be better or would the above one just be as effective if I added Rows?


Day 1

Bench press 3x8
Incline Dumbell Fly 2x8
BB standing military press 3x8
Lying Rear Lateral Raises 3x8
Lateral Raises 3x8
Tricep dips 2/3x20
Ab Crunches 2xMAX
Lying Leg raises 2xMAX

Day 2

Squats 4x8
Leg Press 3x8
Lunges 3x8
SLDL 2x10
Calf raise 3x20

Day 3

Bent Over Rows 3x8
Seated Row 3x8
Pull ups 4x8 (Palms facing)
Lying Incline Barbell Raise 3x8
Upright Row 4x8
Shrugs 3x8
DB Preacher Curl 3x8
Ab Crunches 2xMAX
Lying Leg raises 2xMAX

are you only training two days per week? If so, why?

[quote]PozzSka wrote:
are you only training two days per week? If so, why?

I was going to but now I’m going to fit in 3, Sunday Monday and Tuesday.

Contraindications, Family Commitments, Full time education and other hobbies I need to work around so I have rest days.

Any Advice on the program guys?>

WOW!! That looks like a tough routine. You will be spending a lot of time in the gym. In my experiance less can be more, especially for a mass building routine. For instance, for mass you want to focus on higher weight fewer reps using compound movements. Also you want to spend the most energy on the three areas: chest, legs, and back.

There are a ton of different routines out there that focus on mass and strength. I gained a lot using Bill Starr’s 5x5, and I still follow what I learned from it… Hope this helps. Good luck man, Train Hard…