Hey everyone, I’m a 32 year old male that has been suffering from low libido and low T for the last 5 years.
I’ve done endless blood tests and seen many doctors but all of them brushed it off saying it’s mental, stress etc etc.
Im not going to post all the lab tests since there are way too many, but my Total T , Free T have always been on the low side ( varying from 300 to 380 ng/dl , range 300-1080 ).
Also my TSH has always been on the very low end, 0.35 iUI/mL - 0.49 iUI / ml , range 0.35 - 4.94 ).
My main symptom has been low sex drive followed in a smaller extend by fatigue , dry skin, brittle nails.
I have to add Im fairly active and fit. I workout 5 times a week , 1.76m at 76kg and my strength overall is pretty good.
Fast forward to Dec 2018, I repeat my lab tests and this time both my Total T and Free T are under the norm. My TSH is again at a lowish level at 0.49. Also a bone densitometry showed I have osteopenia ( at the very initial phases ).
Finally my doctor decides to start me on Clomid 50mg EOD. After the end of the first month, he asked me to do 50mg every three days for the second month and 50 mg every 4 days the third month.
To make things easier, I have put in a table my lab tests before , during and after the treatment.
While my Total T and Free T shot up, so did the estradiol.
As for my symptoms, nothing really changed. I feel I am progressing faster at the gym but the libido is exactly the same as before treatment.
Finally, yesterday I went to (yet) another doctor and he thinks clomid is good for fertility but not for libido. He asked me to stop clomid entirely for 2 weeks and then start TRT injecting Nebido 1000mg every 3 months.
I am really at a loss here since this has been going on for way too long and I can’t find a doctor to solve my problem.
Thoughts are greatly appreciated!