Insane for me so far, but I will first say I am very long term hypogonadism with compounding factors due to androgen deprivation therapy (cyproterone acetate) and opiates, at the extreme of low T, and only 2 months into T therapy
Minor trauma fracture didn’t heal well so asked for a DEXA scan which came in with osteoporosis diagnosis T score - 3.5
A bit of googling, & asked my doc to check my T levels
Free T before therapy 1.3nmol/L
Muscle wasting etc etc you all know
low T at 55yrs
I’m in NZ where Nebido/T undeconoate is available, although knowledge by Dr’s on Trt is nil.
Works for most apparently. In my case 2 weeks post my 1st injection my free T went from 6.8 nmol/L after 4 weeks 2.5mg patch, to 59 nmol/L (range 8-38nmol/L) on the Nebido! also Estradiol climbed from pre injection level of 17pg/ml to 35pg/ml. NZ high range 50 pg/ml no low range specified. I asked the doc is it a unisex range and he didn’t know… duh!
Hypermatabolizing the huge initial dose?
muscle tissue too far gone to hold the Ester?
I had very bad test flu. Aches, sneezing, fatigue, brain fog for 2 days after the shot and rough going so far.
Gyno after 1 week with sore nippers.
Further declining symptoms after 4 weeks but early days. Living Hell at times constant brain fog and arthralgia as we all know what feeling like an old man basket case is like, all your friends get tired of hearing about it too when you look mid 50’s but feel 80 they can’t get their heads around it (I sure don’t want to)
My doc seems on board to take my guidance about prescribing Arimadex, is worried about prescribing an AI until my next levels are checked tomorrow @ 4 1/2 weeks
I’m going to push hard for an AI when I get my latest E2 level if it’s over 25 pg/ml
I’ve had around 1 week of feeling OK, a world with normal T is Good, and 3 weeks of feeling a lot worse than before T therapy
The concept of 10-12 week dosing looks great on paper but with the massive spike of free T Estradiol control may be problematic?
Or dose higher AI first 2 weeks post injection
Would love to find if lowering E2 will control my adverse symptoms.
Hopefully my body will adjust in the next month or two. It didn’t get this way overnight.
I note the FDA trial of Nebido used a 750mg dose, showing max level boost to 1200ng @ 1 week post 1st injection
I’m proposing a 700mg dose next time if my trough levels don’t give me symptoms , less painful too, although 1000mg IM was OK, not nearly as bad as the test flu I had the next 2 days.
Also educating my doc on subQ cipionate in the meantime, don’t know it’s available here since Nebido became the treatment of choice. (Reandron NZ brand name btw)
Will be checking my bloods every couple weeks from now on.