based in UK, 33 years old, no medical problems, in good shape (BF 13-15% probably), decent diet. I do feel tired and mood can be flat with a bit of general anxiety, but I cope quite well as i’ve always felt like this really. Little gynae perhaps, thought this was probably just left over from puberty. Normal male characteristics although I can’t grow any facial hair apart from my chin, never thought too much about this. I’ve always had a low libido, I do admit i’ve always thought something might be wrong here as it seemed disproportionately different from my peers growing up, I just didn’t seem to be as motivated by sex as they were, but I just thought that was normal for me. I did have some ED troubles when younger, but just attributed this to performance anxiety, started nofap a number of years ago which did help a little. In a long term healthy relationship and like a classic male never talked about any of these worries and somehow it hasn’t affected things too much, she’s brill.
Now I went for some bloods 18 months ago as part of a fertility screen (partner has PCOS) as it was taking some time to conceive.
Came back all normal apart from (taken at 12pm):
Total Test: 8 nmol/l or 231 ng/dL (UK range 10-28)
We agreed to recheck wondering if it was a spurious result.
Second labs, fasted at 9am (FBC, U&E, TFT and LFT all normal):
- Total test: 9 nmol/l or 260 ng/dL (UK range 10-28)
- SHBG: 43 nmol/L (14.5 - 48.4)
- FSH: 5.4 (1.5-12.4)
- LH: 5.5 (1.7-8.6)
- Prolactin 423 ( 86 - 324)
Free Androgen Index 21% (34 - 106) [Guessing this is a surrogate for free test)
So basically hypogonadism with inappropriately normal LH/FSH and mildly raised PL.
GP wanted to refer me to endocrinology but we had just conceived naturally so I never got back to him.
To be honest it was a big shock, but thinking about it I do think I have been experiencing the symptoms for some time but i’ve always just explained them away. Spent 18 months trying to increase the level naturally (good sleep, more weights in gym, better diet) but retest showed:
- Total test 10 nmol/L or 289 ng/dL (10-28)
- FSH 5.4
- LH 4.7
- SHBG 41
- Free androgen index 24%
- Prolactin 229 (86-324)
Over the last few years i’ve started to experience migraines of increasing frequency and intensity, so I agreed with my GP to go and see an endo just to make sure there isn’t a pituitary lesion. Am waiting for that this month (5 month waiting list).
Sometimes I think i’ve got symptomatic low T and must have had this for years but kind of just functioned with it? Other times I think this is all in my head and i’m wasting everyone’s time and some people have low levels but that’s just normal for them?
The idea of starting a lifelong medical treatment scares me. I’m kind of struggling to come to terms with this, as i’m younger than the typical low T patient and it is emasculating to find out my Testosterone levels are so low. We’ve just conceived again so I keep telling myself everything’s fine and i’m just making it up, but something deep down is telling me I have been explaining away symptoms of low T for many years, and i’m curious to know what life would feel like with normal levels…
Thanks for reading