I plan on starting Ian King’s 12 week Chest and Back program in a week. I’m going to be working out with my brother and he has little experience training wise. I’ve been training for 5 years (i’m 19) so I need something more advanced and I think this program could benefit the both of us. I’ve come up with a 7 day split that allows us to concentrate on school. It goes like this: Monday: Chest & Back #1. Tuesday: Calves, Quads, Abs. Wednesday: Off. Thursday: Chest & Back #2. Friday: Off. Saturday: Calves, Hamstrings, Abs. Sunday: Off. This works well for us because we always train the same bodyparts on the same days and allows us 3-4 days rest for upper body, calves, abs, and 7 days rest for quads/hamstrings. Ab training will be resistance training during phases 1 & 2. One bodypart I think I’m leaving out is the neck. Is it possible to work it in somehow without overtraining or should I just emphasize it after I finish the 12 week program?? Also, I plan on taking 4 days off after the 2nd phase, as King suggests, and starting the 3rd phase on Thursday with Chest & Back #1. I’m now realizing the importance of rest and think that this split will definitely allow us to recover for each workout. Almost forgot, how much volume should we use for quads & hamstrings?? We’ll be doing the Luke Sauder Calf Routine, which I found out empirically, that it requires plenty rest in order to recover for each grueling calf workout. We’ll be training calves first on leg day because we both have small calves. Any feedback from people who have done King’s 12 week chest & back program or Poliquin’s Luke Sauder Calf Routine would be very helpful.
first off, good luck with the program…im thinking about doing one of ian’s programs…post yoru results & tell me how it worked
anyway…i have been on poliquin’s calf routine for about 2 weeks…damn!!! it definitely aint no walk in the park!! your calves will be VERY SORE after the first week…i dont know about doing legs right after this…your calves will be very weak & may shake too much while doing any standing exercises (at least that is what ive experienced) if you stick with the program, expect some GREAT GAINS!!!
I did the Luke Sauder calf routine, and it was extremely painful. Basically, with any of CP’s routines, you can expect (a) pain and (b) results. I also tried Ian King’s 12-week leg routine, but didn’t get much out of it. However, I have to say that I didn’t follow it exactly, in terms of tempo and the positions of the bar on my back, etc. So if you try any of his routines, I would suggest some serious attention to these kinds of details. Otherwise they may not be very effective.
with the split that you are using you should incorporate Ians leg program in as well. I just finished doing both the programs at the same time. My strength in all of my compound lifts went through the roof.
jesse, i would do Ian’s leg program but I’ve already done it before, just recently finished it 4 weeks ago. I plan on focusing on my calves with the Luke Sauder Calf Routine. Any one have suggestions on how I should keep my quads/hams size and strength up while doing this insanely rough calf program. Last time I did Poliquin’s calf routine, I couldn’t walk normal for six days after the first workout. I plan on easing into this time!!