[quote]SeanT wrote:
Thermo71 wrote:
Augorilla wrote:
Thermo - nice job, you look incredible. I have a current client same age and weight who is struggling. Do you have any words of advice! You look awesome, keep up the great work.
Thanks for the encouragement. The first month to six weeks were the hardest but after that time I got into a groove. I kept it simple. I counted every little piece of food that crossed my lips. Ate three meals a day. Drank lots of water.
I lifted weights four times a week and did 30 min of intense cardio (took a while to build up to intense cardio) three times a week. I also tried to get some physical activity (walking, hiking, etc.) on my days off.
I feel that while I was losing fat I was also gaining muscle. I was eating about 1650 cal a day consisting of about 17% of calories from fat, 33% of calories from carbs and 50% of calories from protein.
Supplements I took:
Clean food
Whey protein
Fish oil
NO Explode or Ragnarok pre workout
Good luck with your client
It would be better if you spaced it out to 6 smaller meals a day, and you can probably start eating more if you would like to pack on some muscle.
Compare your lifting numbers from start to finish and post them here.
I am now eating 5 meals a day. I have been slowly adding calories to my diet. I want to start to gain some lean muscle soon, but want to be careful at the same time. I guess I am still paranoid about my % body fat.
Comparing my lifting numbers from the beginning until now is very relative for me. I have very bad joints and have to keep it light. I have a repaired left rotator cuff, a left total hip replacement, left knee ACL repair, and I currently have an injured right rotator cuff. I tried to do squats for the past year but finally had to give them up because of the hip. I can still do deadlifts, hack squats, leg press, etc. I will tell you that my incline bench press increased about 60 lbs, military press increased about 50 lbs, my deadlift increased about 70 lbs, bent over rows increased about 60 lbs. Recently I had to stop all pressing movements, flys, and all shoulder raises due to an aggravated rotator cuff. I am trying to rehabilitee the RC using high rep rotator cuff exercises and avoiding movements that aggravate it.