I’m not really sure where to post this but I’m usually on this forum so I’ll just post it on here.
I’m two weeks in to 20 rep squats and for whatever reason my muscles are twitching like crazy. Not just in my legs, but pretty much any muscle you can think of has twitched in the past two weeks. Can someone please explain why this is happening? I’m really confused. My forearm twitches a lot and makes it so I can’t even write.
Chances are it is low potassium. Go get some “low sodium V8” or if you have a Safeway get the store brand “Low Sodium Vegetable Juice.” They have between 800-1000 mg of potassium per 8 oz serving. Chug a few glasses of that, and the twitching will go away. Way more potassium than in a banana, or other “high potassium” food.
It does sound like a combination of dehydration and fatigue. Make sure you get plenty of fluids in addition to the potassium. I would also look at taurine, I’ve never really taken any myself, but it sounds like what people recommend for high lactic acid training.
Magnesium too. I always take some before bed to relax my muscles, help me sleep, and improve ‘CNS recovery’. I know Biotest and other brands have their own special versions of it but I just get the cheapo spring valley brand from walmart and it seems to do a pretty good job. Some people report GI issues with magnesium oxide but I haven’t noticed anything. It’s easy to find coupled with zinc so go ahead and get that. It’ll help boost your immune system and supposedly support testosterone production.
Thanks for the replies. Obviously dehydration and low potassium can cause cramps but I never really made the connection it could be causing all this damned twitching. If anything it was probably a combination of fatigue and dehydration. My sleep has been shit simply because I’m stupid and I’ve been drinking so much milk lately I kind of forget to drink water. Obviously I have to work on both haha
Thanks again for the help and I’ll check out the magnesium too cause even when I do sleep I rarely feel rested when I wake up.