The last time i used to buy muscle mags with any regularity was the early 90’s. Back then i’d read muscle media 2000, musclemag, flex, muscular development on and off, and even a few muscle & fitness!
Anyway, i liked MM2k best overall, but the others were ok at times too, and apart from a few books were pretty much the only way to get regular written info to refer to.
Last couple of weeks i’ve picked up flex, musclemag and md to see what the state of the muscle mag industry was. I’d thought that with the advent of the internet they may have lost some of their purpose and content. Unfortunately they do seem to have gone downhill.
md and musclemag are so thick with adverts, seems more than before, and though a few articles are interesting it just seems the same stuff over and over, i could just as well re-read the old ones from 15 years back and i guess even they weren’t that different from the 80’s. I’m sure musclemag seemed more fun back then too. Flex seems about the same and strangely, because the others seem to have fallen further, would be the only one i might read now and then.
the best one is right here, online; T-Nation.
anyone bother with the muscle mags nowadays? any gems out there?
The influence muscle mags wield over the younger lifters is astounding. <150lb beginners galore performing a pro’s alleged workout, pissing money away on shitty supplements that make absurd claims, and flipping through the mags between sets as if they were reading bodybuilding’s holy scripture.
As you can tell, I’m no fan of them. Why even waste your time when 60% of the content is advertisements?
[quote]abcd1234 wrote:
The influence muscle mags wield over the younger lifters is astounding. <150lb beginners galore performing a pro’s alleged workout, pissing money away on shitty supplements that make absurd claims, and flipping through the mags between sets as if they were reading bodybuilding’s holy scripture.
As you can tell, I’m no fan of them. Why even waste your time when 60% of the content is advertisements? [/quote]
indeed it may be >50% in some of them, seems worse than 15 years ago. I’d be surprised about younger lifters being so influenced as i’d have thought they would be turning to the internet (and getting confused there instead!)
[quote]gswork wrote:
The last time i used to buy muscle mags with any regularity was the early 90’s. Back then i’d read muscle media 2000, musclemag, flex, muscular development on and off, and even a few muscle & fitness!
Anyway, i liked MM2k best overall, but the others were ok at times too, and apart from a few books were pretty much the only way to get regular written info to refer to.
Last couple of weeks i’ve picked up flex, musclemag and md to see what the state of the muscle mag industry was. I’d thought that with the advent of the internet they may have lost some of their purpose and content. Unfortunately they do seem to have gone downhill.
md and musclemag are so thick with adverts, seems more than before, and though a few articles are interesting it just seems the same stuff over and over, i could just as well re-read the old ones from 15 years back and i guess even they weren’t that different from the 80’s. I’m sure musclemag seemed more fun back then too. Flex seems about the same and strangely, because the others seem to have fallen further, would be the only one i might read now and then.
the best one is right here, online; T-Nation.
anyone bother with the muscle mags nowadays? any gems out there?[/quote]
I agree!
I bought a Muscle and fitness, Mens Health & Mens Fitness for the first time in eight or nine years I was very disappointed!
Seemed like only 5% content 95% adds n BS, guess it’s better to read here.
[quote]gswork wrote:
abcd1234 wrote:
The influence muscle mags wield over the younger lifters is astounding. <150lb beginners galore performing a pro’s alleged workout, pissing money away on shitty supplements that make absurd claims, and flipping through the mags between sets as if they were reading bodybuilding’s holy scripture.
As you can tell, I’m no fan of them. Why even waste your time when 60% of the content is advertisements?
indeed it may be >50% in some of them, seems worse than 15 years ago. I’d be surprised about younger lifters being so influenced as i’d have thought they would be turning to the internet (and getting confused there instead!)[/quote]
At least at my gym, you hear all sorts of myths still being tossed around that likely originated from mags. Surprisingly, it seems a lot of younger lifters still view the mags as a more trustworthy source of information than websites. I know of one guy, an older veteran lifter in his 50s, who reads T-Nation.
If you combined the time I spend in a bathroom every month it’d come out to at least a solid day. I get md because its interesting to see how many times I can read the word “overtraining” in an article. Or the one where John Romano got rid of his gyno.
Hm, I’d actually read them more often if the articles and programs (and even the column’s of famous bbers, for chrissake) weren’t ghost written bullshit…
I read, I think it was in Flex?, an article about how sergio oliva supposedly built his back with tons of high-set exercises per workout.
Unfortunately, I’d read the now famous oliva interview before that.
What a slap in the face of the old man, Weider still tries to mess his life up, huh ?
[quote]Petermus wrote:
I took a look at a mens health mag a few weeks ago and LOL’d[/quote]
Yeah I know what you mean. Last week I was visiting my brother-in-law. He is also a young trainee. He had a men’s health BOOK (The Men’s Health Hard Body Plan) that he purchased sitting on the coffee table. I was bored so I thumbed thru it a little. I Didn’t like anything I was reading, so I started debating some of the info with him. He refused all my advise. I guess one day he will wake up and notice that I train 4x/wk and he trains 5-6x/wk and I am bigger than he. When he is ready I will direct him here…
I read MD. While some magazines may suck, acting like they all do is a little retarded. Also, anyone actually going to a muscle mag for all of their knowledge is a little lost regardless. No one should be getting all of their information from only one place.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
I read MD. While some magazines may suck, acting like they all do is a little retarded. Also, anyone actually going to a muscle mag for all of their knowledge is a little lost regardless. No one should be getting all of their information from only one place.[/quote]
God damnit, beating me again in a magazine thread.