Muscle building after majour accident

On January 28, 2022 while I was on vacation in Maui, I got hit by a vehicle while crossing the road at night. I woke up in the ICU with a broken skull, 12 broken ribs, punctured lung, double broken back, torn ACL, and broken toes. I also ended up pregnant and gained 85lbs then had to have a C-section due to my injury. So the last two years has brought my body to a place it’s never been (fit wise) I was extremely fit prior. Started the gym when I was 15 and never stopped. I’m now 9 months postpartum and have lost 75 lbs. I took some poloquin’s courses a few years ago, So I’m knowledgeable in weight loss and working out, im not in building enough muscle though. I’ve never felt so soft and now I’m 36😩… I need to focus on building muscle, but I’m feeling so lost nutrition wise. I currently weigh 145 (my prior fit weight was 135)

My current macros are:
Calories 2500
Protein: 35% @ 219 grams
Carbs: 40% @ 250 grams
Fat: 25% @ 69 grams

I feel my protein is a tad too high, maybe I should increase fat?… I’m use to eating around 1800 calories which put me in a deficit while breastfeeding.1800 was maintenance prior to accident. Like I said, building muscle hasn’t been something I needed to think about.

So…. long question short I guess… are my macros good enough to build muscle? Do I need to increase or change anything?

Thank you for anyone’s help and taking the time to read my story!!! <3


Honestly if you’re not putting fat on think your macros are fine. What does your training look like?

Wow! Sounds like you have been through the wringer. Happy to hear you are getting back in the game.

I am going to tag @QuadQueen here. She is the best!

It would be too much protein and not enough fat for me but we are all different so it may work for you.


I’ve only been on 2500 calorie routine for a week and I haven’t had any change in weight yet. I’ve also switched up my workout routine. Before I was doing German body comp type routine to help with fatloss and I found that easier to get back into working out. Now I have switched to 30 minute twice a day workouts, 6-8 reps, 6 sets. Example:

Day one #1:
Squats: reps: 4, 4, 4, lower weight, 6-8, 6-8, 6-8.
Front squats. same idea as above.
Raised reverse lunge 8 reps, 6 sets

Day one #2 (6-8 hours later)
Deadlift same reps and sets as above
Bulgarian split squats, 8 reps, 6 sets
Hip thrust 8 reps, 6 sets

Then in between I go for an hour walk or hike with the baby strapped to me (20lbs).

The next day: chest, shoulders, and bicepts

Day after, back, triceps, abs

1 day rest, repeat. Hope to do that routine for 8 weeks.


Haha yes , it’s been a journey. Happy I have a healthy happy girl out of all of it though.
I do agree on the protein. I usually have 150ish. But I’m not use to eating 2500 calories, so I’m not sure what I should increase fat, carbs, both🤷🏻‍♀️. All of it is a lot more than what I’m use haha. I don’t know if that amount is normal on the macros for that amount of calories. I was doing 30%fat, 30%carbs, and 40% protein. Which I have adjusted already and it still feels like protein is too much.

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Nice work on the fat loss. That took a pretty big deficit, for a long time. It’s not surprising you didn’t gain much muscle while cutting down like that.

Since then you’ve been out of the deficit and training to gain muscle for 1 week. And you’re concerned you’re not building muscle fast enough.

I think you should give it a little more time before you make any huge decisions.


Thank you! I think with being fit for so long, my metabolism naturally helped me out with that. I’m not worried about it not being fast enough. I’m more so worried I’m not eating enough and my macros aren’t correct enough to build muscle at the best potential. Which I know it’ll take time and adjustment to know what my best is. I just want to ensure I’m on the correct path from people who know what they’re talking about rather than reading articles that all say different things I guess :grin:


I would say let it ride for another couple weeks and see how you do. 2500cals is awesome.
Can you post a pic of current physique?

No advice really, just wanted to say hello and that I’m glad you’re here.

I’m also just here to say good on ya. You have for sure been through it. Awesome to see you’re in a better spot and looking to build some muscle!

Is there anything going “wrong” per se? Like are your meals unsatisfying? Are you sore? Low energy? No pumps in the gym?

I don’t see anything that must change about your macros, but there’s also plenty of room to make a shift if there’s a problem to solve.

Also adding @Dani_Shugart


Welcome!! I’m glad you’re here, you’re surrounded by a bunch of great folks that are super smart and helpful.

My suggestions for your nutrition - your protein is high, but if it’s working for you, you’re feeling good in terms of energy and performance, and you’re enjoying your food, then run with it. If you’re not having a good time with all the protein, you can back it off to 1 gram per pound, so that would put you at about 145 grams/day. You can move those calories into some post workout carbs or increase the fat a bit. You could also take a Zone approach and try 40% Carbs, 30% Pro, 30% Fat and see how that feels.

Like the others have said, if what you’re doing is working, you’re not hurting anything by staying here and we can always adjust later. There’s a lot for us to play with once we have some data!

It would be awesome if you started a log on this site with food/workouts and how you’re feeling. If you do that, we can all chime in with suggestions and/or just cheers to keep you going!


Awesome! Thank you. I will stick with this and see how it goes for the next few weeks. I don’t, but I’ll gladly take one. It would be good to see progression.

Hi!! And thank you!! Tnation has been my go-to for anything fitness, but never became a part f the community. I’m happy to be apart of such a helpful group :hugs:

Thank you!:hugs:
I am sore haha. All.the.time. I’m not sure if that’s because I switched up what I was doing for so long or if it’s nutrition. Maybe both could be a factor. :woman_shrugging:t2::sweat_smile: also, I don’t ever notice a pump now that you mention it. And… not to be too personal, I’ve been a little backed up and gassy. Which is never an issue for me…

Hi and thank you. I’m happy to finally be apart of the community!

That’s a wonderful idea! I didn’t know that was even an option. I’ll look around and see how to do that! :pray:t3:

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Do you eat pretty much the same thungs all the time? Maybe certain foods don’t agree?

For a training log, you just go to that section and start one as you would any post. I think that would be a great thing, since this is all process kind of stuff and we’d all learn a lot from you too.