mufasa: update on aerobics are anabolic

Most of us on this site would probably agree that having higher PCr (phosphocreatine) levels are diserable for gains in strength and lean body mass (thats why some of us supplement with creatine) - some of the roles of phosphocreatine are a)ATP resynthises B)spatial energy buffer -moving ATP from aerobic metabolism to contraction site C)proton buffer - stopping lactate and H+ from inhibiting contraction which will all lead to higher work outputs and eventually better adaption to training. considering this phosphocreatine is important for the stimulus to anabolism, yet phosphocreatine requires aerobic metabolism for resynthesis which can be seen when you cause occlusion to a exercised muscle (cut the blood supply and therefore the 0xygen) which results in lower resynthesis (90% after 3 mins with oxygen compared to only 40% during hypoxic states -without oxygen). As such a logical conclusion would be that a higher aerobic capacity would lead to faster PCr resynthesis and therefore allow more work to be done during a weights session which would lead to better gains. I would like to hear peoples opinions on this especially jason N.

Hey Mufasa don’t mean to steal your fire, but I gotsta question! I am a broke ass college boy and don’t live that far from campus, about 1.5 miles. Now taking your recent posts about aerobics into consideration, do you think it would be wise and a little beneficial to walk/ride a bike to and from school? I had your posts stuck in my head this past weekend as well as trying to save some flow for food and fun stuff like that. Whats your word?

I will comment only with a background from my studies for the CSCS. Yes, it is true that the oxidative system is heavily involved in PCr resynthesis. However, the overall factor (in my opinion) is based on your goals. If you are doing a single-effort type of competition (power lifting), then this will not be much of an issue. If you are doing multiple-effort types of activities, then (according to the research presented by the NSCA) the best way to train for increased oxidative capacity without compromising anaerobic performance is to train with anaerobic intervals. Basically, HIIT with a work:rest of 1:1.

I rode my bike to college (lived about 2 miles away) almost every day while I was in college and loved it. It provides a simple way to get in some aerobic work daily. I would highly recommend anyone with the ability to ride their bike to school or work.

Crap. I meant to say that if you are doing a single-effort activity like powerlifting or Olympic lifting, you will not want to do any aerobic activity. It will reduce your maximal anaerobic performance.

This is another excellent example of the benefits of aerobic conditioning. PCr can be resynthesized faster and all the benefits of a large PCr pool are realized. Also, a aerobically conditioned person will be able to clear lactate faster during rest periods between sets.

Of course this is really going to mostly benefit those using a hypertrophy (high volume) program. A program like EDT comes to mind. EDT relies on increasing total work done in a given amount of time. Aerobic conditioning makes this a greater possibility by:

1) resynthesizing PCr stores thus leading to all the benefits listed in British Lifter's original post

2) Lactic acid is cleared faster between sets, thus allowing you to rest for shorter periods of time

Of course there are other benefits to aerobic conditioning that we have talked about in other posts, but the 2 mentioned above (and all the sub benefits that come with those them) apply directly to your workout and are more easily seen.

Also, I need to clarify what I mean by aerobically conditioned. Everyone has a different answer. I am not talking about someone who can go out and run a marathon. It only takes about 2-3 20-30 minute training sessions to build and maintain a very strong aerobic capacity. This is best done by via aerobic/anaerobic interval/fartlek training. Examples would be from JMB last article (he calls them anaerobic intervals) and Bill Phillips 20 min aerobic solution in BFL.

Why is it so hard to write down a complete thought?

Continuing from my previos post......With both benefits listed above applied to an EDT program, you will be able to do more work in the same amount of time. A higher PCr store allows you to bang out an extra rep or two per each set. A quicker ability to resynthesize PCr and clear lactic acid allows for shorter rest periods and more time actually lifting weights.

So as you can see, a good aerobic capacity will be very helpful when trying to a hypertrophy based program.

Hey thanks bud. I guess I could always eat a little more if I am not gaining what I want to be gaining. Thanks again!

Guys, what role do aerobics play with regards to elleviating stress hormones? Though all the aerobic critiques claim aerobics increase cortisol, what of the stress relieiving beneifts of cardio? I mean in an emotional sense. What of the runner’s high, and the mood ellevating homrones that aerobics generate? Would these not assist wiegh-lifting providing you are already in a stressed out state? I for one am in a very stressfull profession and am completely frazzled by the time I get to the gym. Surely aerobics, no matter how catabolizing, would benefit me overall. I’m alreaady saturated with cortisol before I even start lifting!! That and I founds my blood sugar was always more stable when doing aerobics on a consistent basis.

Any thoughts as to when any of the detriments of aerobocs are simply moot?

Aerobics/cardiovascular training can expedite recovery from
weight training. It accomplishes this by developing more efficient
circulatory pathways, i.e. increased blood flow and increased
number and size of blood vessels. (Blood vessels are supply
routes which deliver oxygen and nutrients to body
tissues/muscles!) Efficient circulatory pathways also aid
in the clearance of waste products, e.g. lactate.

People are overly paranoid about the protein breakdown that occurs during aerobic exercise. The body is constantly turning over protein/muscle tissue, 24-7. As long you are eating enough protein and your carbs aren't cut too drastically, there should be no problem! The body cannibalizes muscle tissue during our nightly 10 hour protein-fast, but none of us are going to give up sleeping!!!

P.S. Cardiovascular training provides benefits that can't be measured with calipers. Last night, while watching the Stanley Cup playoffs, I decided to check my resting pulse rate. To my surprise, It read 46. Just to make sure, I checked it again...45! I'm an advocate!

British and others: Simply outstanding! (Sorry for taking so long to post…you guys are GREAT…always one step ahead!)

The point of my original post on the anabolic nature of Cardiovascular Training/Aerobics was to get us all thinking of cardio as not some boring, muscle wasting activity to be avoided at all cost if we wanted to put on mass, but as something that would support our muscle building efforts (among many OTHER benefits). It’s always great to have the science that backs up the hypothesis.

That being said…what about the TRUE hardgainer who states that if they do “any” aerobics that their mass building efforts are totally cancelled? I think the answer is in pre and post workout nutrient timing and composition, nutrition overall, and recovery. I just don’t think that cutting out cardio completely is the answer. However…this is a topic that I hope we keep open for discussion.

ALL METABOLIC PATHWAYS ARE ENHANCED BY MORE EFFICIENT 02 DELIVERY TO TISSUES AND SUBSEQUENT REMOVAL OF CO2, HYDROGEN IONS AND FREE RADICALS. (The last being a topic by itself). Enhance this process, and it is my feeling that we in fact enhance muscle building.

Okay…what about the marathoners/cachectic long distance runners? Again…I think it boils down to nutrition and recovery. If you run hundreds of miles a month and eat basically pasta, bread, fruit and energy bars, you will waste muscle.

GREAT thread, guys! It’s all about putting knowledge into action.

Again…simply outstanding…!

jeremy - I can understand your line of thinking, that during single effort event there would not be much need for resynthesis of PCr for subsequent efforts, yet most powerlifters train with multiple sets of reps between 3-5 as such higher aerobic capacity would aid the training through increasing volume and intensity that can be done in a workout and therefore improve the response to training (eventually an increased 1RM)- an example is dave tates GPP, but given that this post was in regards to anabolism -most powerlifters are mainly looking for neurological efficiency within minimum weight gain. This leads me on to mufasa’s question about marathoners - most of them WANT to lose muscle mass, being lighter aids in running economy, yes it can be stated that most runners do weights but again most of them want to just improve neurological factors within the muscle to improve there running efficiency. The question about TRUE hardgainers is that a hardgainer needs all the support that they can get in regards to recovery between sets and sessions, as such the positive influence of the aerobic training would improve more than hinder there weights sessions. I personally feel that most people are not true hardgainers but are just not eating enough of training to much, but I am sure that there are some individuals who respond poorly to training as such these people should keep the intensity quite low and again off set this with extra calories.