Movement and Conditioning Workshops with Ido Portal - May 2009

Ido Portal will be traveling during May 2009 in the US and will be teaching workshops in varies locations. One of the locations Ido will stop to give workshops are in San Francisco area at the Athletic Playground.

Check out his blog at
and youtube video at Self- Dominance - YouTube

There will be 3 unique workshops with him:
May 8, Basic Equilibre
May 9, Corporal Dialogue
May 10, Vires Workshop

Basic Equilibrium Workshop
This workshop is designed to teach the foundation for the basic static balancing on two hands, developing a better understanding of manipulating your body mass in various positions: Handstand, Elbow-Lever (Gymnastics), Queda de Rins (Capoeira), Air Baby (Breakdance) are some of the positions that will be introduced. Preparatory work for the One Arm Handstand will also be covered.

Prerequisite: some handbalancing experience, basic strength to hold yourself on your hands.

Friday, May 8

Corporal Dialogue Workshop
Acquiring tools in human to human corporal interaction - a workshop for dancers, capoeiristas, martial artists, circus performers, people who love to move, and communicate through movement. Influenced by different arts: Tai Chi, Capoeira, Contact Improvisation, various dance forms, Kung Fu, Gaga. Destroy the ‘chains’ you keep putting on yourself as part of your patternized nature and learn to respond in a free, improvised manner to unpredictable situations.

Saturday, May 9

No prior knowledge is required.

Vires Workshop
A combination of joint mobility, strength, flexibility, power and endurance through gymnastics oriented exercises and other body weight systems implemented into a challenging workout.

Use of your own bodyweight and tools such as paralettes, gymnastics rings, elastic bands and more in order to improve a wide array of physical markers.

Geared towards anyone who works with their own body weight: in sports, art or for people who are interested in improving fitness through challenging natural and safe mediums.

Sunday, May 10

Cost: $45/workshop, $120 for all 3 workshops you can register online at