Morning Protein Question

I know that whey is what you want in the morning to refeed the muscles after sleep. My question is, would it be better to take a blend such as Metabolic Drive or does taking straight whey benefit more?

Any insight would be great.



I know I’ve seen a lot of places saying to take whey to immediately feed your starving muscles, but to be honest, I don’t get another chance to eat for a couple of hours, so I just opt for the Metabolic Drive, and then eat every 2-3 hours thereafter.


I agree. It’s almost always better to take a blend of protein especially one such as Metabolic Drive that contains both fast acting protein (whey) and slow (casein). Also remember that besides post workout yout body handles carbs the best immediately upon waking so I make sure to have some quality carbs at that point as well.

I have been taking a blend as I think it’s best for the reasons you said OMR. It just makes more sense to me, I was making sure I wasn’t shooting myself in the foot if whey was king of the morning.

I personally would take a 50/50 mix of Grow! Whey and Low-Carb Metabolic Drive. I also would taske in some more Low-Carb Metabolic Drive 2-3 hours later or eat some protein.

I personally just throw some whey protein in my oatmeal in the morning, then after that have 4 whole eggs…I figure by the time the eggs start to get digested, the whey’s mostly been put to use already.