More Trouble Than I Am Worth: Chaos Is The Plan (T3hPwnisher Log)

Quick context, will expand later perhaps, but…

Woke up at 0630 because dog was going nuts, got in a Tabata squats and push ups workout while it ate, and then pushed to get in the rest of the 300 before going out for a fasted 2.5 mile walk with the dog. Valkyrie was making me breakfast when I returned, so I returned to the smell of bacon cooking. That’s just absolutely amazing.

Made deviled eggs for the first time as an appetizer while we worked through the day and for our cookout meal at home. Did them “mexican style”, using 1/4 cup of salsa, 1/4 cup of grassfed sour cream and some taco seasoning mixed with the yokes. It was Valkyrie approved, which is huge. I have a new side in my cookbook: that’s clutch. I LOVE deviled eggs, and this is very much inline with how I eat. The salsa is technically “not-carnivore”, but whatever, I’m no martyr over this stuff, it’s all quality nutrition.

Made a TON of meat for the 4th of July. In total was 4 chicken thighs, 3 beef back ribs, 2 beef chuck bone-in short ribs, 2 bison burgers, 2 hamburgers, 1 grassfed burger, 4 polish sausages and, 2 hot dogs, all of it done on a Ninja Woodfire Outdoor grill, the majority of it smoke, with just 1 3 sausages, 2 hot dogs and 2 burgers grilled.

Somewhere in the middle, I got in a workout to celebrate independence day.

Posted the thread for it here

Had my Rampage Meal. It was “only” 1 plate, because I put enough on it. 2 beef chuck bone-in short ribs, 1 chicken thigh, 1 double bison burger with goat cheese on homemade sour dough with a slice of raw local tomato and some raw local avocado alongside some zero sugar BBQ sauce, 1 smoked polish sausage, 1 local sweet potato with raw local honey on it, 1 homemade cornbread muffin (just the top), a bit of local sweet corn, some local apples and cherries and 3 “mexican style” deviled eggs.

Not pictured was dessert, which my kiddo made all by themselves. It was a mini-chocolate pudding pie inside of a cute pie dish. I ate the whole thing and told my kid what an awesome job they did making it. I loved being able to be that dad at that moment. This kid also got to learn the best part about smoking meat: watching youtube videos while you wait! They were a champion at that, as we watched “Erik the Electric” take on American themed food.

After the meal, I felt like Erik in one of his videos, so we all went on a 3 mile walk out in the sun. I moved from my third back down to my second trimester of food baby in time for us to watch some fireworks. Brings the evening to a close. 2 BIG meals, and probably like 300g of protein in that last one. Might actually be fun to tabulate sometime. My Mass Made Simple/Easy Strength mash-up begins tomorrow. Plan is to call it the “MESS” program. “Mass-Easy, Strength-Simple”. Simply because the acronym fits it well, but, in truth, the more I listen to Dan, the more I think this is totally inline with how he’d structure things. Either way, this will be exactly what I need, because I’m still pretty damn sick and my strength is down. Time to swallow my ego, even MORE food, learn and grow.