American Independence Day Challenge WOD

Happy 4th of July! Want a way to celebrate and earn your own personal hot dog eating contest with apple pie later? Try this one out. 142 on the axle and 105 total on the bells for 247 years of independence, done for 17 minutes and 76 seconds (18:16 for you non-patriots). 4 reps of axle overhead to floor and 7 devil presses…for 4th of July of course.

Happy Birthday America! These colors don’t run: they lift.


Awesome idea! I just showered after my workout and am about to head out. This would have been a perfect sub for the regularly scheduled overhead press day.

This also would have basically been a max effort workout at those numbers, but that’s America baby.

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Hell yeah man! Could always find other movements to hit that 247 as well.

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Post workout fuel PR

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