Sorry if this has already been asked. I tried searching but couldn’t exactly find what I was looking for.
I’ve always heard that putting on more than 2 lbs. a week is unhealthy and most likely results in gaining a lot of fat.
Well, I just started lifting and eating big a few weeks ago. In two weeks, I’ve gone from 148 to 158 with no increase in little increase in my body fat.
I’m eating 3,000+ calories a day in 3 meals + 3 snacks. Carbs are pasta, rice, bread, potatos, etc. Protein is chicken, steak, and tuna. Fats from olive oil, butter, mayo, etc. With my breakdown about 40% carbs, 40$ protein, and 30% fat.
I also drink between 4 cups of milk a day and drink a protein shake at night.
My workout is:
Monday - Squats, Bench Press, Military Press, and French Press.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - Off
Friday - Deadlift, Barbell Row, Wide Arm Pull-Ups, and Barbell Curls.
Saturday, Sunday - Off
All exercises 4 sets with heavy weight and 3 - 6 reps.
It seems like I’m gaining more than 2 lbs. a week of muscle, but I’ve always been told that either wasn’t possible or just wasn’t healthy.
Is it possible that sense I’m so new to training and eating this way that my body is legitimately growing faster right now than the “standard” 2 lbs. per week?