well this is something embarassing… but when i make sex with my wife sometimes i can’t recuperate like i would like for a second orgasm( by the way how much time is consider normal to start sex again?), what can i do?, i follow a good bodybuilding diet-supplements-roids regimen , and don’t have mayor stresses in my life, i’m 29 years old, all your opinions will be gladly appreciated
Yes it is.
I’ll stand back and watch this one from the sidelines.
Check out www.sexuality.org REad and learn. Alll good in the hood. YOu don;t need hard dicky to keep her creamy.
Tell your wife that you can only do one load per woman every fifteen minutes, but adding multiple women will allow for multiple orgasms. They love that.
Just do it right the first time.
bigprljamfan is right, you should make sure to get some forplay in and get her off a few times then fuck her brains out then do some more forplay till your man is ready to do his duty again and then comence to make your women proud.
In one of my humanities lectures, they were talking about making sex (haha sorry couldn’t resist) and the male refractory period. It ranges from a few minutes in teenagers to, get this…a few weeks when you’re 75!! “Honey can we have sex this weekend?” “Nope, it’s only been 10 days.”
one thing that always helped me that might help you is give her a nice all body massage. now that will get her fludids flowing (pun intended) hehe
believe me if you do it right she will get wetter than that georgia flood. then you can go handle your business.
best of luck
Uh, your “good diet” of roids might not be helping you there…
Uh start masturbating? Not flamming, its a proven fact that if a man masturbates more often he can preform longer in bed I think I read it somewhere in ethier a magazine like maxium or men’s health.
I eat what I want, don’t juice at all, and I get frustrated because my wife only wants to go once. Maybe we would “swap”! Hee hee!
Seriously though, there are some exercises that you can do that can teach your body to have multiple orgasms. Basically, there is a muscle you can sorta flex when you climax to prevent ejaculation, allowing you to build really high intesity, and have 2 or 3 orgasms without going down even once! The final orgasm is not describable with words! There are several books on the subject.
it’s like this game i play, who ever cums first wins, and so far i’m undefeated. if you don’t cum when i cum, you cum when i come back. b-ligit.
mdog, that just made my day. I love it.
Mdog was that Dave Chapelle who originally said that?
“Hey, I see it as a race, if I cum first I win, you lose.”
b-legit from “the click” (a bay area rap group) was the 1st to utter those words.
Is that why I can never even bust? Maybe I should stop jerking my days away…
That you come once is not the point. You have to get HER to ask for seconds. Then youll have all YOUR seconds you
d ever want. Not the other way around.
FYI, with good technique and enough intensity, once shes warmed up, you can make HER come within 15-30 seconds. Repeat that 8-10 times, and she
ll definitely be asking for seconds.
(OK. Maybe not 8-10 times. She`ll be too satisfied then. Though you could proceed that way on your second time.)
You might have to consider…
(Whoah! Vade Retro Tony Little!)
Why? Sometimes, the instinctual drive is not too well synchronised with the significant others. Up to a point, whatever you do, if you are not pressing the right buttons, she won
t be asking for seconds.
Its just like magic tricks, in a way. If you are really attentive to how she reacts to you (positions, erogenous zones, etc.), you
ll eventually find out her shortcuts
. You just need to take the time and be really attentive, though. Or be really lucky in the instinctive department. No woman is alike in the sex/lovemaking avenue, though some are very similar in many ways.
(Just 2 cents from a guy who listens far more than he talks. It has its advantages, even in the bedroom. =0))
Feel kinda funny chimin’ in,
But something I heard in some movie that kinda makes sense, is when in a committed relationship, the woman wants her man to be her last lover and no matter the relationship the guy always wants to be her greatest lover.
There is no way I could pump for as long as it takes for my wife to cum.
So I have her cum first everytime (unless she says I don’t want to, just you), we’ve hit a triple a couple of time with her. Then she takes care of me. 7 yrs of marriage, never bored and still looking forward to every episode.
But Champion at 29 you should be able to get it up again in about 30 mins.
Roids aren’t helping the situation for one. Two - if you are a true gentleman, then you will ALWAYS get her off AT LEAST ONCE prior to insertion. It lubes her up and that way, she’s already on seconds.
It should only take a few minutes, or up to 30, to get hard again, all depending on your hormone levels and how good the first session was. Plus, if you can’t get it up, have her do something sensual to you, such as an oil massage or a foot rub.
Tip: get her naked and on her stomach. Massage and kiss her back at the same tmie. You’ll get hard, and you can just slid it up and down her legs (that are together). This will get her so wet so fast, it will be unbelievable.
Good luck!!