Hello all.
I have been trying to get back into heavy lifting for my legs but I keep getting pain in my knees and I don’t know what to do. Here is a recap of my previous injuries. About a year ago, I started getting some pretty bad knee pain during squats. I figured it was just tendonitis, but after about 6-8 months of “taking it easy” I decided I needed some help.
I went in to the doctor and realized I had a partial tear in my patella tendon. After rehabbing it up to speed, two weeks later I sprained my ACL and bruised my kneecap playing lacrosse. That was about 3-4 months ago. As I said previously, I am trying to get my leg power back. I have been incorperating more and more leg work the past month or so battling minor pain in my knee, and decided to start up a program from CT’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde book.
I started the program last week and the quad dominate workout called for 6 sets of 5,4,3,5,4,3 squats, 5 sets of 5X1 leg press (clusters), 4 sets of six for hack squat and then 3 sets of lunges. Since the workout, I have had a lot of pain and didn’t feel comfortable performing the workout today.
A year ago I was squatting 365 for 4 sets of 8, and on this past workout I was using squat weights of 300-315. I don’t know what to do, because I don’t feel like I can do heavy squats anymore. My form I feel is good, though I do have the tendancy to go up on the balls of my feet a little bit at the bottom of the lift. I wonder if a severe injury I had as a kid can play a role.
When I was 5 (I’m 20 now) I sprained my ankle quite severly. This injury, I now realize stunted the growth of my right foot, resulting in about an inch and three quarter difference in feet length. Could this have affected something.
I’m not sure what to do. I’m sick of my knees hurting, but don’t know if I need more rest before I get back into heavy lifting. I hate not being able to lift legs, it seems sick to me that the distance between my maxes for squat and bench are becoming closer and closer. What do you guys make of all this.
Thanks for reading, I know I wrote a book, but I wanted to give you guys all the info I know to help me know what to do.
Like I said, I’m twenty years old. Have been training for about 3 years, with 2 of them being well dieted. I weigh 198 and am 5’10".
Thanks alot guys (and gals)