The last guest forum with CT was unbelievable, I was checking into the forum all day trying to soak up all the info and got some great help myself. Now I was wondering if you guys might indulge us with some more forums hosted by coaches, would CW do another one or Davies?
I should have announced this earlier. I talked to Dave Tate and he said he’d like to do one. We’re shooting for the 30th of this month!
Also, John Berardi is supposed to take over the Guest Forum soon after that, and I’m thinking of getting David Barr to do one as well. (See his latest article in last week’s issue.)
Along with several other very cool new features coming soon to T-Nation, a regular, maybe even weekly, Guest Forum is part of the big plan.
Cy Willson has been wanting to do one too, but he wants to wait until he has some more time so he can do a good job on it.
Personally, I think I’d rather have a few steroid experts come in for special Guest Forums rather than have the (sorry guys) sometimes embarrassing steroid board. Just think of it: one on one Q and A with a steroid expert. Much cooler and smarter than teenagers asking about Deca and the blind-leading-the-blind mentality that often goes on in the steroid forum - all steroid boards, not just ours.
“and the blind-leading-the-blind mentality that often goes on in the steroid forum - all steroid boards, not just ours.”
i completley disagree with that statement. i think it is pretty obvious to anyone that has frequented the various other steroid forums that t-mag by far has the most knowledgeable contributors.
p-22, drago1, warhorse, spook, and a handfull of others offer very, very sound advice. 9 times out of 10 they can also provide you with a scientific explanation if asked to elaborate.
that said, i would love to see your plan in regards to a steroid guest forum go through.