Modified U/L, PPL Split

Wanted to share this routine that I put together and started. It’s a 3-4 day Upper / Lower split, with Push bias* and Pull bias (4 agonist, 2 antagonist exercises, not including abs). Approximately 14 total hard to very hard, work sets (not including warm-up sets) each day. Muscle groups are hit twice a week or every 5 days. The training schedule is:
Monday - Upper / Push

Wednesday- Legs
Friday - Upper / Pull*
Saturday - Legs
If Saturday workout is missed for some reason (not adequately recovered or other scheduling conflict, the Legs workout is moved to Monday the following week and Wednesday would be Push*, Friday Legs, Saturday Pull.

IMO, your split seems sound.

Could you go into greater detail what “bias” entails? I could see it mean that the hard sets are on the biased Push or Pull. But maybe you have some of the hard sets that are not in the biased group.

I understand that life’s priorities rank working out different from one person to another. If I was scheduled to workout out, I made every effort to make that happen. Also, I liked to have a workout partner when I could. So, if I missed a workout, I just missed that workout. I proceeded with the schedule as if I did that workout. My workout partner understood that. He worked out the day I missed, and we were always on schedule for the next workout. If he missed a workout, I proceeded without him and we were on schedule for the next workout. Note: I missed very few workouts.

If you see yourself in a position that you might miss numerous Saturdays, I definitely see your plan adjustment.


Bias On both the Push and Pull workouts.
Meaning a Push bias would be a combination of 4 total chest, shoulder, tricep exercises and a total of 2 exercises for back, biceps, rear delts or traps. A Pull bias would be the opposite. Failure and intensity techniques on 2-3 of the biased sets.

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If arms are important I would back sure to hit both twice a week with a direct working exercise

Most certainly !