[quote]Alexis Smash wrote:
[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
[quote]Alexis Smash wrote:
My flat bench max is 165 and my deadlift max is 245 squat max is 225[/quote]
Dude, what have you been doing for the last nine months?
Your strength has dropped across the board and you’ve gone up just a few pounds in bodyweight (so I’m confused about the “dropping 30 pounds in the last year”-thing). Not trying to be a jerk, but whatever you’ve been doing has absolutely not been successful. Your goal is totally fine, but the path you’re trying to take there is all screwed up.
Re-read all the advice you got in that thread, choose any one of the programs I linked to there, and get on it, like starting tomorrow.
Good nutrition and a good program allow for plenty of recovery.
Gotcha, but those exercises weren’t listed in your training plan. Also, not having a rack is a copout. There are plenty of exercise options (step-ups [depending on ceiling height], lunges, RDLs, front squats [one power clean before the set], one-leg work, etc.).
When coaches talk about that, it’s related to things like insulin sensitivity and other factors. However, it’s not relevant to someone in your situation - A young guy whose natural hormones are primed for growth and who’s very tall and relatively-underweight, even if you have some bodyfat.
Losing even more weight, another 10+ pounds based on what you’re saying, will put you even further behind the ball once you start trying to gain more size. Starting ASAP with a focus on building muscle and strength, with smart eating and a well-designed program, is the smart play here.[/quote]
Thank you! Thats the exact critisism I needed. So I should focus on gaining muscle primarly and just forget about losing the bodyfat? You didnt mention anything about diet Im not good with counting calories should I just eat as much “clean foods” as I can get my hands on? (ex. chicken, tuna, steak, salmon, veggies, brown rice, eggs)[/quote]
Read this. If you search around this site enough you can find some awesome stuff for diet and training.
Some of my favorite writers are Chris Colucci, who has already chimed in here, Nate Miyaki, Tim Henriques, and Lee Boyce are some of my favorites. CT, Dan John, Matt Kroc, Ben Bruno, Bret Contreras and many others are also awesome. Just look around.