[quote]Deceptive212 wrote:
A buddy and me were thinking about trying out for the minors come June of next year. We just started practicing the other day as we haven’t played in years. About me:
22 years old
Looking to get clocked soon with radar to see if I’ll be focusing on pitching or center field as I’m quick.
Played baseball throughout highschool and eventually quit my senior year because I didn’t want to play anymore. Now about to graduate in college, so I can’t play, I’m thinking about trying one last time to play baseball competitively…
Have a buddy who plays in the minors and the only advice he’s given me is that in order to catch some attention I should be able to hit a 95mph fastball followed by a 75mph curve both over the fence. Just wondering if any of you have gone through the process or can give any advice on what to be training or how to, specifically. Right now we just started but were planning on beginning long toss, running the bases, and going to the cages.
No offense, but if you gave up your senior year because you didnâ??t â??wantâ?? to play anymore, what makes you think you can play at a professional level? I actually played all 4 years in high school and a year in college, before a nagging shoulder injury and eyesight killed my chances.
Iâ??m planning on doing the same thing, playing that is (in a competitive menâ??s league), but iâ??ve consistently thrown and hit in the last 4 years. If you havenâ??t played since you were a jr, I wouldnâ??t even think about trying to pitch or really tryout for that matter. There is such a huge difference between high school and college, let alone professional. I remember my first at bat in college summer ball I faced a tall lefty, who got signed later that year, throwing 93 with a 82mph splitter. Made me shit my pants, I got one good hack at the fastball, fouled it off and didnâ??t know what to do with the splitter. The difference between HS, College and pro is:
Good HS league, pitchers generally throw in the 80â??s with an occasional 90+ that has one pitch
College, everyone throws 85-95 and has a good off speed pitch
Pro, They have 4 really good pitches that they can command and throw in any count for strikes.
If you are serious and really want to play then join a competitive menâ??s league, become the best there and maybe try out for a minor league team, â??if you still want to playâ??