Minneapolis HRT/TRT

There was an old post on here regarding this, but it reached its maximum # of replies and is out of date and does not get quite to the point.

I’m looking for a good HRT doctor in the Minneapolis area. I have an appointment setup with Lundblad, but its in April and would love to hear any of your experiences.

Does he offer HCG and AI as well?
Is he out of pocket or did your insurance cover?
Does he prescribe low T even if its technically in the normal range? (normal if your 95!)

Its been two years since I’ve been battling these symptoms and have dropped about $600 on tests and visits already only to be told that I was depressed and that was the cause of all the hardship. f’ing bullshit. Not depressed, very happy with my current state in life, but if anything I can see these symptoms eventually leading to that someday.

Thank you! You will be helping me get my life back.

If you find someone good, let me know. I’ve tried Schuster in Edina. Not a positive experience. Completely ignored symptoms and thought a T level in low 300s was perfectly fine for someone in their early 30s. Wouldn’t even test E. did it myself and addressing it made a significant difference.

I am exploring the Body Logic clinics right now. There’s one in Maple Grove. The doc I’ve been emailing had no problem with my age, treating symptoms, or adding HCG and/or AI. Trying to verify they work with insurance companies.

You could always ask the doc any questions you might have before the appt. I won’t even go to see someone unless they are interested in treating someone in my condition/age and are open to doing it right.

Thanks for the response! I will definitely call back tomorrow and see if I can talk to the doc prior. When I scheduled the secretary was real stubborn when I began to ask specifics like that, but a brief consult seems completely reasonable to me.
Like I said it’s not until April but I’ll make sure to post what I find out before or after. Please keep me posted on your docs too.

Thanks for the response! I will definitely call back tomorrow and see if I can talk to the doc prior. When I scheduled the secretary was real stubborn when I began to ask specifics like that, but a brief consult seems completely reasonable to me.
Like I said it’s not until April but I’ll make sure to post what I find out before or after. Please keep me posted on your docs too.

Update: just called my insurance and Dr. Pippert at Body Logic is Out Of Network for United healthcare. Dr.Lundblad is covered though.

I am a neighbor to the West in South Dakota. I had little luck finding a doctor to assist me. With my negative results finding one I decided to call a compounding pharmacy. I asked about TRT and who does the most prescriptions. They were able to give me the names of 5 doctors and in order of most prescriptions to least. I called the first one and the initial appointment was more than I could ask for. Can’t hurt to try…

Thanks for the info regarding South Dakota and your method of getting a hold of a compounding pharmacy. I contacted many of those in town already but finally got my first call back today. So I talked to a pharmacist who gave me another name in addition to Dr. Lundblad. He said Lundblad prescribes the most TRT for the area, and this guy was next. He also said Lundblad appointments average 2-3 months out.

endocronology clinic-edina
Brad Doeden

I have not called him yet, or seen if he was considered in network for my insurance.
While on the phone with the pharmacist though I asked him about HCG and if any of them were receptive to prescribing it. His tone changed instantly as he said it was a growth hormone and people are now abusing it for weight loss. I told him I am not interested in weight loss or gain for that matter and that it was mainly for sterility, which caught him off guard as if he had never heard of it being used for that before. I told him I would be happy too (and did) email him with plenty of information, research, anecdotal experience and phone numbers to call regarding such. allthingsmale.com and I attached the document regarding HCG therapy along with TRT. Hopefully this turns out to be informative and not just brushed off.

I’ll let you know what I hear about Dr. Doeden and Lundblad regarding details when I hear back from them.

I just called Dr. Doesen’s Office and the receptionist first off did not know what TRT or HRT even was, then she didn’t know if tey were covered by United Healthcare, then she said they would not schedule an appointment unless I had an official referral from a primary care physician in the Minneapolis area. I just moved here from another state and they will not accept my previous physician’s referral.
Then I asked if she had any recommendations for a physician in the area, and she said no. I don’t know of any.
Complete waste of time.

I see Dr. Bruce Redmon @ U of M Physicians. He seems to be in favor of TRT even for young guys, and willing to do most tests. He is hard to get ahold of though and you have to book out in advance. Also, he has had some difficulty answering my complicated questions. I suggest that clinic as a whole as they at least have nurses to assist you most hours of the day.


Have you looked at these guys? Not sure if they are close enough to you, but they do offer a number of locations.
