Does anybody know a competent doctor in the MN area?
The one I recently saw was being totally ignorant and every question I had was pretty much ignored or thrown back with a rebuttal that didn’t make sense. The sad thing about it was this DR is a u of M physician uro/endo so it bothered me he seemed to really not know the basics.
long story:
2009 i went in because I wasn’t feeling well and had all the symptoms of low t. Labs come back at 220 total T. there wasn’t any other lab ran and my doctor said that level was fine and chucked it up as depression and started throwing ssris and benzos. I was 29 and this was the first time I checked so I brushed it off.
2010 I started feeling worse and went into my new gp due to the old one retiring and he checked and levels were in 250 total. also no other tests as he stated they were not needed but he actually said my T was low and to go see an endo.
i go in to see an endo and redo labs and bam again low test but high ferretin levels and elevated liver. was not doing any supplementing other then the norm. Told me he couldnt do anything yet as I had to correct the other issues first. fast forward 2 years and labs after labs and all sorts of different physical issues/therpists ect that needed attention but they could not figure out why my test was so low or the other issues going on so they pointed back to the endo. My total t levels plummeted to 7 and the past year and a half I could not function and had major fatigue and pain in the morning but the fatigue was through out the day.
i got fed up and started doing research about bringing up natural t levels while my next endo appointment was a month away. I started researching torem just for a month to see if that would help. bingo it did but was short lived as i had to stop and really didnt seem to help the overall well being and such and if my test was low for quite a long time i didnt see this as feasible. i just felt something wasnt right.
I go into the urologist at the U of M and i had recent labs done that checked everything by a prior endo that communicated with this guy as he didnt know much about hcg or serms.
my level came back
free test: 100
prolactin: 4.3
FSH: 10.2
E2: 26
viatmin D: 60 this has been low prior and have been taking precribed D3 but even prior to that my t levels were low.
The uro saw these labs after our appointment and what bothered me was him saying if your test comes back low again we can try androgel at 2 pumps and e2 doesnt matter, test is test, no hcg or serms as they are expensive and wont work anyways. I basically said whatever and wanted to start on something as i was at my wits end. Low and behold he got the results back and stated nothing is wrong and I can;t help you. I was like did you look at my test levels for the past 3 years? all were 250 or lower and lowest didnt read and came back at 4<.
I was telling him how the torem could have effected this and he blew up and got mad and said fine we ill check in a month to see. I stopped the torem but I feel as though our relationship is already going to be an argument as his methods are textbook and he wouldnt even check anything else like pituitary or any other tests. Also he said he didnt see low levels on a constant basis even though i had the test printed up and only 1 showed a normal test level.
SORRY about the long read but I’m guessing the more info the better as into wth is going on. Anybody in the MN area know a good doctor other then a anti aging clinic?