I have played competive tennis in high school, and now I’m just a recreational player. I have noticed that when I play a lot, my strength in the weight room just plummets. Typically, I play two hours, just drinking water during breaks. Is there something that I can drink instead of or in addition to water that can minimize the catabolic effects of an anerobic/endurance sport like tennis? I think this would be useful for other folks who like to play sports that combine explosiveness with endurance, like football. JMB, would you have any suggestions?
There are plenty of thing I used to do to keep from cataboling when i was playing sports. Remember when you are dying of catabolism, carbs can save your life. 1)Eat some thing before you sport, i don’t mean Shoneys, but a nice hard protein bar and some water, or a MRP if you can keep it down while running. 2)throw back some BCAA Gelcaps before hand, along with or about 10-20 grams of glutamine. 3)I hate to plug peoples products but ULTRA FUEL this stuff is so loaded with carbs it is ridiculous 100 grams of simple carbs in one 8 oz. bottle. But drink half during your events,with water, and half right after. Well that what i would do while i was playing lacrosse, and i would have enough energy to hit the weights after a game. Hope it helps.
The Ox
as suggested, there are ways of preserving muscle. But your strength loss phenomenon probably is atleast in part a function of stressing your CNS. If that is so, cut back on the tennis, or take longer rest breaks orwhatever.
Gatorade + water during the workout and then something like surge just after.
Thanks for the thoughts, guys. I wonder if some easily assimilated protein, like whey hydrolysate, mixed into the carb drink might work even better. Kinda like Surge, but much more diluted. Instead of wondering, I think I’ll give that a try next time.