ok so u got an idea odpf the basic weightlifting routine. the program was always designed bacwards. meaning, take the date you wanna peak then work backwards to where you are. so, 2 weeks out. explosives. jerks, push press, speed squats, speed bench etc. we re using lighter weights here. the shot is 12 or 16lbs. speed bench at 225 with a 265 1RM is dumb.(i did have 1 guy who insisted on doing this. he never threw any farther all year long)
preceeded by 6331
,preceeded by 4x5, or 5x5
preceeded by 3x10,
or pyramid(7531246),
preceed by 5x10(this was just to get used to lifting)
each section was 2-6 weeks depending on how the calender fell.
in between each section we did 1 week of maxes in all the exercises. thats how we get our percentages for the next section
that was mwf
if anyone wanted to do some drills or sprints, or throw after the weights, that was fine.
oh, and for variation, and to break up the monotony we would use push. press especially if you couldnt finish the military set. finish with push press or even jerk if you had to.
deads were a nice break from squats, and a good motivator because you could do a lot of weight. moving heavy weight does wonders for your self confidence.
front squats. not to many. you getpissed cause you cant do as much as a squat.
snatch. not to many cause we never had someone who knew teach us. we learned by doing. (transalate in americas funniest videos)
by theway we worked in teams of 2-4, so there was adequate rest between sets. sometimes we’d also do circuits to chane it up some.
4 movements, 4 guys, continuous. you get done fast that way, and you could go out and throw.
coach would ask if you got your lifting done. “yep, got it all done, now we wanna go throw some” coach says. “ok cool, you guys got that done fast”. “yeah coach, we didnt screw around, we got it done” “good job”. funny stuff.
on tues, thurs and sat. til the weekend meets started.
drills, throwing, sprinting, jumping, bounding, hurdles, steps. not all on the same day. but you get the picture.
most of the sprints were short. the shot circle is 7 feet, the disc is 8 feet.
acceleration from a dead start is what is needed. lots of 10 yard sprints. broad jumps, long jumps, high jumps, side jumps, triple jumps, verticaljumps, plyo jumps. forward, backward, sideward, up, down, over, under. u name it, we did it. no pole vault. 260 is a bit heavy for pole vault.
seriously. google the video for werner gunther. most of that stuff was very typical.
remember. the throwers goal is acceleration and explosion, yet needs the agilty and strength to do that in a 7 foot circle, and stay in the circle. how easy is it to stop a locomotive running at top speed on a dime?
yep. its tough. that is called “the block”
imagine a catapult. u cut it loose, it accelerates, it stops abruply. the implement takes off like a rocket.
it is extremely violent.
i hadnt trown in a few years. when i was coaching, i got the bug, i went to throw the javelin as if i had been throwing all along.
i planted and locked my left leg (block) and launched the rocket. unfortunately my quads could not absorb the shock.
my acl, and meniscus did. they took me out on a stretcher.
so, you wanna do 4x5 6 days a week?
sorry, i dont think that will get you stronger
im my opinion. in order to lift heavy weights, you gottalift heavy. and i dont think the body can handle that every day
myapologies for the lenghty post.
thats enough now.