[quote]CC wrote:
Man, I tried to tell myself I was done with this conversation after my last post but I couldn’t resist after seeing this:
“Actually a recent study indicates that alot of childhood obesity is a drink result of the excess of milk they serve at schools. Mind you this is at the adolescent age, not breast milk.”
Come on, you’ve (not you hoosier, but the people who conducted the study) got to be kidding me right? Do they not think it has anything to do with all of the soft drink and “snack” garbage vending machines that weren’t as widely seen in schools 20-30 years ago? Not to mention that now a lot of schools cut deals with local franchises to “offer more exciting options to their students” (read: drive profits through the roof). At my high school alone we had Lil Ceasers pizza and a “snack line”, completely separate from the regular lunch line, fully stocked with bags of potato chips, bagels, Little Debbie-type snacks, cookies, Fruit Roll-ups, sugary drinks and “fruit juices” (my ass), etc. Guess where a lot of kids got their “lunch”, without ever even going through the “real” lunch line (not that that government funded garbage is much better, but at least there’s SOME semblence of a balanced meal sometimes).
Who conducted this study anyway, the Grocery Manufacturers of America, the same company who’s top-dog lobbyist admitted to Morgan Spurlock (“Super Size Me”) that they’re “part of the problem”? These “studies” are hilarious sometimes…
BTW, if you haven’t seen that movie, go rent it…now
I know a lot of the movie can be seen as propaganda and I don’t buy into it that easily, but it WILL make you think about a lot of things.
P.S. hoosier, not trying to make you feel bad man, I know you were trying to make an honest, valid point. My rant is directed towards the companies who try to insult our intelligence and feed us this crap. Nor am I making an argument (to anyone else) that milk is some kind of perfect (or even good for everybody) food. But when someone tries to tell me milk is the reason kids are obese these days…[/quote]
Hey man, no insult taken, nobody here knows everything about everything.
Actually I’m going to go searching for the study now because I do remember it being from a very credible source. Also, the study was conducted not on adolecents as I had orginially stated, but on elementary aged students, where soda is usually not sold in schools and creating a franchise in elementary scools in most states is either against the law or policy (this falls true atleast in Virginia and MD, and from what I hear Indiana as well). Yes the food they serve is crap, but you’d be suprised just how much milk can add up.
But think about it. Kid eats shit cereal with 2% milk. Kid drinks maybe 2 servings of milk at lunch with crappy meal. Comes home and has a little snack right after school (lets say, oh i don’t know, cookies and milk). Another two servings during dinner. (P.S. you could also substitue milk with other sugary drinks such as juice).
Avge amount of sugar in one cup of milk 12 grams. 6-7 servings of milk in one day, roughly 72-84 grams of sugar.
This isn’t that unrealistic. Hell, this was my routine when I was in elemantary school. Most of my friends at that age drank as much if not more milk then me as well.
But going back to your point you are right, often times its as if studies and researchers are trying to point a finger at anyone BUT the parents, or the school lunches, when it is quite obvious that to curb the epedemic there needs to be more direct responsibility from the parents and the school board.
But you have to realize, assuming that the rest of a child’s nutrion is completely void of sugar (fat chance), getting 60-84 grams of sugar a day is alot for a human barely weighing in at a whopping 90 pounds.