Boot camp is over and done with, yeah! I’m in one of the most academically challenging programs in the military.
I have a couple of goals in mind and am not sure how to reach them all. Here they are
2:00 curlups - 105
2:00 pushups - 90
1.5 mile run - 9.00 min
My current stats are
PRT(average, not consistent) cu-65 pu-55 run 12:15
Strentgth - bp-195 DL-305 sq-250
weight 196lbs
height 5’10
bf% (navy “rope and choke” method) - 20%
I have a scrawny neck as well (14.5"), so the “rope and choke” method I think is a little off but not by much, I don’t have washboard abs, but I would like to shave some fat off so I don’t have to worry about weigh-ins.
I know to make improvements on the run, or at least what has worked before, I need to train cardio 3x a week. To keep boosting my strength I need to train 2x a week. I am not sure, however if I can increase both muscular endurance and muscular strength at the same time? If not should I concentrate and PRT specific for a time and then maintain(a LOT, LOT easier for me to do than build it up) while I build up strength?
Those are the standards and it seems like you’re aiming for outstanding - medium. For most PRT’s, I hardly try - so my question to you is do you actually try or is it just something to finish?
Pushups are easy, it’s all about muscle memory. When I first went to my school, I was doing 30 pushups and went up to 80 by the end of the “boot camp” - albeit we probably were doing 700 - 1000 pushups a day. As for curl ups, just continue to do a lot of them. The PRT isn’t about how much strength you have but how to handle yourself.
Hope this helps - sorry I can’t help you with weight training.
I think your deadlift should have a bigger margin ahead of the squat than what you have right now. Those two are also pretty close to your bench press goal.
D1987 gave you the key to the muscular endurance part. Train push ups and curl ups at least twice a day. 700-1000 may be extreme but 200/day should be minimum for you. For the running, try 400m sprints. Keep limiting the rest between sprints until you get them to 0. Run each sprint at 1 min 30 sec each and 1 min rest between. Do 8 sprints. Once your 8th sprint is 1 min 30 sec, reduce the rest to 45 sec. Once you’re down to no rest you will be at your goal pace.
I woulbn’t sweat the strength part. You are probably strong enough now. Do a maintenance program for strength, focus on the above items. Eat cleanly, moderate calories, and you will lose weight just from the extra activity. Once you meet you endurance goals, come back hard on the strength building and you’ll explode.