I’m researching and looking around for info about IGF.

Looking in a source website I see MGF. Than i try to get some more info about this peptide… and from what I can undestand it looks more powerfull than IGF.

But why MGF is cheaper mg vs mg than IGF?

Anyone has direct experience with this compound?

A buddy of mine has just sampled some mfg s short time ago and says its the absolute most impressive stuff he has ever used. Hes done a few cycles before as well as slin, gh and igf.
See Ya

Do you know more info?
I see that the MGF dose are around 100mcg/200mcg E3D (PEGMGF)

But how long? how many weeks?

Which kind of nutrition he follows? How much he gains?

I am skeptical about the peg MGF. I think that it is just a research site driven initiative to make more money off selling less product.

Personally I feel that if a drug is active in your body for a long time, it is going to cause receptor downgrade too quickly.

I am more open to the idea of injecting plain MGF directly following a training session when receptors are most sensitive. Who cares if the drug’s halflife is short. Once they have bound to the receptors the goal is achieved.

I havn’t tried the MGF yet, but I plan on very soon, in the upcoming weeks, and using IGF 40minutes post MGF use.

[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
A buddy of mine has just sampled some mfg s short time ago and says its the absolute most impressive stuff he has ever used. Hes done a few cycles before as well as slin, gh and igf.
See Ya[/quote]

Can you expand on why he was so impressed by the mgf?

I will be speaking to him within the next couple of days and will provide more info as I get it.

[quote]Prisoner#22 wrote:
I am skeptical about the peg MGF. I think that it is just a research site driven initiative to make more money off selling less product.

ChemOne started selling PMGF in response to customer demand. Quite the opposite of what you accuse. You can’t find us harping on PMGF anywhere. We have no “initiative”. Not that you were accusing ChemOne, I just think you don’t really know enough about the subject to offer a substantial opinion.

Regular MGF is a bitch to ship and store. It is highly unstable. PMGF is far more stable, and easier to ship, store, and use.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
Prisoner#22 wrote:
I am skeptical about the peg MGF. I think that it is just a research site driven initiative to make more money off selling less product.

ChemOne started selling PMGF in response to customer demand. Quite the opposite of what you accuse. You can’t find us harping on PMGF anywhere. We have no “initiative”. Not that you were accusing ChemOne, I just think you don’t really know enough about the subject to offer a substantial opinion.

Regular MGF is a bitch to ship and store. It is highly unstable. PMGF is far more stable, and easier to ship, store, and use.


The ease of shipping, storing, and profit margin does not make a drug better. Nor does customer demand, as Most customers out there in the world of BB don’t know their head from their ass. Just check out my profile picture once again and you will see yearly improvements that tell you I must know what the hell I am doing.

Now as for a long acting MGF which by all accounts from the experts is just slighly different version of IGF-1, we must ask why in the hell was igf-1 popular in the first place?

The reason is that it is suppose to give all the benifits of GH and slin, with in turn minimizing the side effects of GI growth.

After all everyone knows that the GI has the greatest concentration of IGF receptors in the body.

The theory of using IGF-1 is that following a workout IGf receptors in the trained muscles are at their most up regulated, and that any igf injected is more likely in greater concentrations to bind with the muscle trained, not the smooth muscle of the GI tract.

In research studies done and protocols that have been developed since, the MGF is suppose to be injected directly following a workout, and then followed up by IGF-1 30-40minutes later. I say hell stickem both in the same syringe and inject at the same time!

Now a guy like me who is interested in getting bigger everywhere but the waist would definietly not be interested in a long acting peptied that is free to bind for extended periods of time.

Basically I don’t care if over all it is less effective.

I will take the 20 inch arms and keep my 32 inch waist rather then choose to have 23 inch arms and a 36 inch waist any day.

[quote]Prisoner#22 wrote:
Personally I feel that if a drug is active in your body for a long time, it is going to cause receptor downgrade too quickly.

I have limited knowledge of endocrinology but I understand your doubts…

yes, but from what I have read the MGF have a really short halflife (~20minutes)
Is that time sufficient?

I havn’t tried the MGF yet, but I plan on very soon, in the upcoming weeks, and using IGF 40minutes post MGF use.[/quote]

Why do you plan that stack? I mean there is a need to stack IGF to MGF? Can MGF be used alone?

[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
I will be speaking to him within the next couple of days and will provide more info as I get it.[/quote]

Thanks :slight_smile:

[quote]Prisoner#22 wrote:
The ease of shipping, storing, and profit margin does not make a drug better. Nor does customer demand, as Most customers out there in the world of BB don’t know their head from their ass. Just check out my profile picture once again and you will see yearly improvements that tell you I must know what the hell I am doing.

We sell MGF to IFBB pros. Are you proposing that they don’t know what they are doing? Do you have your pro card?

Your opinion is all you have. Your opinion of why we are selling PMGF is bullshit.

I challenge you to find anywhere on the internet where ChemOne is profiteering on the MGF by driving up demand.

I don’t give a shit how big your arms are. There is a reason you are a nurse and not a business owner.

Were you this skeptical about LR3IGF-1? Did you come out and tell everyone that gropep was just driving up demand in order to make money - and that it was potentially dangerous?

I doubt it.

If you think PMGF is a bad idea, that is one thing. But don’t make blanket statements about the integrity of businesses - especially mine.

Is there anyone that can post some real experiences with the peptide?

[quote]rainjack wrote:
Prisoner#22 wrote:
The ease of shipping, storing, and profit margin does not make a drug better. Nor does customer demand, as Most customers out there in the world of BB don’t know their head from their ass. Just check out my profile picture once again and you will see yearly improvements that tell you I must know what the hell I am doing.

We sell MGF to IFBB pros. Are you proposing that they don’t know what they are doing? Do you have your pro card?

Your opinion is all you have. Your opinion of why we are selling PMGF is bullshit.

I challenge you to find anywhere on the internet where ChemOne is profiteering on the MGF by driving up demand.

I don’t give a shit how big your arms are. There is a reason you are a nurse and not a business owner.

Were you this skeptical about LR3IGF-1? Did you come out and tell everyone that gropep was just driving up demand in order to make money - and that it was potentially dangerous?

I doubt it.

If you think PMGF is a bad idea, that is one thing. But don’t make blanket statements about the integrity of businesses - especially mine.

I am not attacking anyone here. I am stating an opinion that may be right or may be wrong, but is based on what information that is out there at this time, and what my goals are.

And yes, I am a business owner as well as a Nurse - I do both and am very successfull at both (go figure why I am barely on here) Believe it or not I also own a research site, however I choose not to inform all of which one it is, as I like to create a degree of separation from my business, and the internet boards.

And finally the argument you use: do you have a pro card? is a fallacy, and you are starting to sound a lot like A.R. (sorry I know that is very insulting to you lol :D)

But, I will say that in another 4 years of training and competing it is quite possible that I could have a procard, as I just need an extra 20lbs of muscle (5 lbs a year) and I am there. thanks for asking :).



[quote]FuriousGeorge wrote:
Is there anyone that can post some real experiences with the peptide?[/quote]

If you want to know anything you can email me and I will share my experiences with you.

[quote]Prisoner#22 wrote:

And finally the argument you use: do you have a pro card? is a fallacy, and you are starting to sound a lot like A.R. (sorry I know that is very insulting to you lol :D)

You are right. My apologies. The first few words in your original post hit me sideways, and I over reacted.

Good luck on the pro card.

[quote]FuriousGeorge wrote:
Is there anyone that can post some real experiences with the peptide?[/quote]

I have been using IGF and MGF stacked - taking together post training 100mcg per muscle group - focused on one muscle group per day - eg. 100cmg left pec, 100mcg right pec.

along with this I have been taking 100mcg of IGF (50mcg per site).

I take this for 6 weeks at a time - with 4 weeks off. At week 5 on pecs and biceps specilization and the results have been great - one problem is sometimes get a little crap in the bis during the night of the day injected - but no big deal.

Also getting leaner faster then when no on even though I’m not trying to - in fact trying to eat as much as I can at 6000-7000cal per day.

I would say that it’s worth it. I will continue with 6on 4 off.

[quote]honkie wrote:
FuriousGeorge wrote:
Is there anyone that can post some real experiences with the peptide?

I have been using IGF and MGF stacked - taking together post training 100mcg per muscle group - focused on one muscle group per day - eg. 100cmg left pec, 100mcg right pec.

along with this I have been taking 100mcg of IGF (50mcg per site).

I take this for 6 weeks at a time - with 4 weeks off. At week 5 on pecs and biceps specilization and the results have been great - one problem is sometimes get a little crap in the bis during the night of the day injected - but no big deal.

Also getting leaner faster then when no on even though I’m not trying to - in fact trying to eat as much as I can at 6000-7000cal per day.

I would say that it’s worth it. I will continue with 6on 4 off.


That’s awesome. Are you using mgf or pegylated mgf?

Been using regular MGF - with great results.

In only 5 weeks I have grown out of my clothes - none of my shirts fit now.

[quote]honkie wrote:
FuriousGeorge wrote:
Is there anyone that can post some real experiences with the peptide?

I have been using IGF and MGF stacked - taking together post training 100mcg per muscle group - focused on one muscle group per day - eg. 100cmg left pec, 100mcg right pec.

along with this I have been taking 100mcg of IGF (50mcg per site).

I take this for 6 weeks at a time - with 4 weeks off. At week 5 on pecs and biceps specilization and the results have been great - one problem is sometimes get a little crap in the bis during the night of the day injected - but no big deal.

Also getting leaner faster then when no on even though I’m not trying to - in fact trying to eat as much as I can at 6000-7000cal per day.

I would say that it’s worth it. I will continue with 6on 4 off.


That’s awesome bro. I always thought that it wasn’t a good idea to shoot the mgf pwo with the igf as they compete for the same receptor? But you’re seeing good results so, who knows. Are you running the igf/mgf by itself or are you using AAS with this?

From research, I’ve thought that it was better to shoot the mgf 12-24 hours before the post-workout igf shot. There are a ton of protocols out there though.

I looked into it and seemed like there was more logic to inject post training - they do say you can take the IGF 1 hour after the MGF but did not find any real difference.

I am also using test and bold combo along with hGH - but I never come off this anyway.

At the moment I’m using 500mg Test E E2D and 250mg Bold E2D, 5iu HGH and 20 iu Insulin split ED, T4, proviron 75mg ED, 40mg DBol.