I’ve been eating according to the Don’t Diet guidelines (3 P+F and 3P+C meals daily) during my current cutting cycle. I work out from 5-6:30pm and have been using a modified ‘taper’ plan: eat P+C for first 2 meals, P+F for third (90 min prior to workout) meal, P+C immediately post-workout, and P+F for my last two meals (about 8:30 and 11pm). I’m curious if it would be better/speed my cutting cycle if I ate P+C for the six hours post-workout as Berardi later recommended (i.e. P+C, 2 P+F, 2 P+C, then P+F before bed or a reverse taper with P+F for first 3 meals and P+C for last three). Any idea which is more effective? Comments or experience? Thanks!
I actually workout after meal #1, but I still am proposing something for you should you decide to take the idea - I would definitely be curious your results. Because of my workout timing, my meals equal #1- P+F, #2 - P+C (Surge), #3 - P+C, #4- P+C, #5 - P+F, #6 - P+F…Here’s my proposal for you, you train from 5-6:30pm. I would make my meals look as follows if I were you - You did fail to note how long you were up so I am making a guesstimate on the EXACT timing(mind you - no I do not have experience with this set up, but it seems like it would be best to me): Meal #1 (say at 7:00am)- P+C (replenishing all that is lost during your 8 hour fast), Meal #2 (at 10:00am)- P+F, Meal #3 (at 1:00pm)- P+F, Meal #4 (at4:00pm) WORKOUT AT 5:00 - but I would actually push this to 5:30 if possible if you choose to workout this late, Meal #5 - P+C, Meal #6 - P+C (say at 9:30-ish should be no worries to eat some carbs this late in my opinion due to the late nature of your workout and the upcoming fast)…you may want to get your ZMA supp in prior to that last meal, splitting time between your post-workout shake and your last meal…and God, you should be purty tired by the end of all that anyways and its lights out to begin the same damn thing over again tomorrow…funny how we love to put ourselves through all of this huh? — Again, I didn’t try this kind of thing for a cutting phase per say…but when I did two-a-days for my Growth Surge Project this past winter…eating carbs in the pm after my second workout didn’t seem to blow up my gut or anything - I really don’t see your P+C, P+F, P+F, P+C, P+C, P+F (your first idea) working due to your workout schedule unless of course, you get up later than 7:00am or so) as far as the reverse taper…again, I really think you would benefit more from getting those carbs in the a.m. 1st thing with a good whey powder - save Grow for other meals you decide to put powders in (if, any) due to the whole casein content of it though it tastes great - (personal comment to follow) I honestly wish the freakin’ bars would rush out - I need more than chocolate and vanilla dammit.
Good ideas, Dana (Thanks!). I had some concern about the fact that 3 of my meals were past 6:30pm and about eating a P+F meal 2-3hrs after working out. I had been eating my first meal at 9-10am or so, but can get up earlier… probably do me good, as long as I get to bed earlier. Anyone use this schedule or have any other ideas?
I’ve done exactly what you’re doing now with great success. As long as you’re using Surge post-workout, your stomach should be empty 2 hours later, and a P+F meal then is fine.