Meal After PWO Shake

I do my workout from 6-7pm. I get home around 7:30 and have my PWO shake. It contains between 60-80 g of carbs and 20 grams of protein. I have dinner at 9:30 pm. How many carbs should this meal contain? None? Some? Did the PWO shake cover all my carb needs.

Also, they say breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day, but shouldn’t my dinner after my workout be the biggest meal, since my muscles are primed to take in nutrients?

have a big breakfast and PWO meal with moderate carbs if you are trying to gain muscle. IMO you should up the protein of your PWO shake though

Even if I’m only 140 lbs?

Especially if you’re 140 lbs.

Well, that being said, I’m only willing to eat about 140 grams per day. Some suggest double! The thought of eating 280 grams makes me head hurt.

Here’s my protein breakdown:

Breakfast: 30g

Lunch: 30g

Pre-workout: 20g

PWO shake: 30g

Dinner: 35g

Sounds good?

shooting for 1-2g per pound of bodyweight will allow you to gain muscle. taking in protien is going to go towards the muscle that you break down during workouts; and the excess is what you gain (right everyone?, i’m 99% sure its similar to that)

big breakfast; yes…your body just went through about 8hrs of NOT eating; bad idea…but sleep is needed; duh.

Just so long as your PWO shake has the simple carbs (Surge!) that you need, your PWO dinner/meal should be ok if tehre is little to no carbs. i too lift around 6-7 and come home and eat dinner at 8; then i eat again at 10. neither meal has significant carbs.

You don’t mention your body type or relative body fat, but I suggest you experiment with your PWO meal. Try eating more carbs for two or three weeks and see what happens. If you start getting fat, then back off on the carbs. But if you start gaining muscle, you’re onto something. The mirror is your friend.

And as mentioned by others above, your PWO drink is better if it contains 2:1 ratio or simple carbs to faster digesting protein.

You want your first meal after your post-workout shake to be medium insulin impact. Eating a low impact meal at that time would allow your insulin level to crash too far down, and eating a high impact meal will cause it to rise too high, leading to excess fat deposition.

[quote]blue9steel wrote:
You want your first meal after your post-workout shake to be medium insulin impact. Eating a low impact meal at that time would allow your insulin level to crash too far down, and eating a high impact meal will cause it to rise too high, leading to excess fat deposition.[/quote]

Please give me some examples, if you don’t mind. Thanks.

I’d say if anything, up your protein intake overall. 145g of protein is barely getting in 1g per lb.

take your shake ASAP after the workout, meaning at the gym, not home, you’re wasting 30 mins right there.

instead of eating 2 hrs later, try to eat 60 mins after the shake, and then you can sneak in a quick bedtime “snack” - plain yogurt mixed with some protein powder. Something simple as this could add in a few extra hundred cals/day

[quote]tico1028 wrote:
I’d say if anything, up your protein intake overall. 145g of protein is barely getting in 1g per lb.[/quote]

Not sure how getting in 145 g protein is barely getting 1g/lb when I weigh 140 lbs.

Well, today I got in about 170 g…the number is a ballpark figure.

[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
take your shake ASAP after the workout, meaning at the gym, not home, you’re wasting 30 mins right there.

instead of eating 2 hrs later, try to eat 60 mins after the shake, and then you can sneak in a quick bedtime “snack” - plain yogurt mixed with some protein powder. Something simple as this could add in a few extra hundred cals/day[/quote]

I don’t mind waiting 30 min to have my shake. I really doubt it makes that much of a difference to protein synthesis. Besides, at home I can make it in a blender and add fruit, etc. I like adding kale too. However, I will have my dinner a bit sooner so that I can sneak in some more grub later on.

Today, for my PWO:

PWO shake:
1 scoop protein powder
1 cup orange juice
1 banana
1/2 cup pineapple
2 teaspoons blackstrap molasses

I usually add a cup of chopped kale to my shake, but I didn’t have any.

PWO meal:
-5oz salmon
-1 medium sweet potato
-1 cup broccoli
-1/2 cup brussel sprouts
-1 tablespoon olive oil

I think there is about a twenty minute window in which you should have your pwo. There must be an article around here somewhere about it…it is really important that you get the timing of it right, imo

Love me.

Solving The Post-Workout Puzzle �?? Part 1

Solving The Post-Workout Puzzle �?? Part 2

I’ve got to say though, your PWO shake does sound tasty. I take it you use a blender for it?

BTW, about the protein, I just prefer shooting for 1.5g/lb or more, but thats just a personal thing.

It’s damn tasty! I use a vanilla flavoured protein powder. Yes, I use a blender and the banana and pineapple is usually frozen. I highly recommend the chopped kale. It gives the drink a very cool color and you can’t really taste it. Not only that, but you get a serving a veggies to go with it.

Also, blackstrap molasses is very nutritious:
However, you might not like the taste. I try to consume 1 tablespoon a day, by adding a teaspoon here or there. The flavour is a bit bitter, but it’s high in magnesium, iron, calcium, etc.