Hello everyone!
I’ve been planning to start a training log at T-Nation for a long time now. Here I have a great chance to log my workouts and competition results.
I’m 19 years old,born in Colombia but living in Norway. I’ve been competing in powerlifting (IPF) for approximately 6 months now. From now on I’ll log my workouts four times a week. I’ll also try to post footage from both my workouts and competitions. My bodyweight is 87kg give or take. I’m not the tallest guy around,standing at 1.71m. My goal with this log is to get other people with different training backgrounds to comment on what I’m doing.
My lifts,with equipment,are:
- 220 kg in squat
-152,5 kg in benchpress
- 230 kg deadlift
Without equipment my lifts are:
- 170 kg squat
- 130 kg benchpress (trying to do this at a christmas meet at my club on saturday)
- 215 kg deadlift
Its been a long time since i lifted raw, so I’m just guessing!
Tomorow Im lifting at my gyms christmas meet! Im only lifitng bench, hope for 130kg! Hope i can fix a camara so i can film all my lifts!
So the meet diden’t go that well! I startet with 115kg, a lift that was easy, but i forgot the “press” signal. Then i tried 122,5(2,5kg over my last 1RM) It was just to hard today. So my bench is still 120! But i will work hard and do whatever i can to get it up for my next meet. I will try to upload the video of my lift. The camera films in a retard format…
But on monday I’m starting on my new program. It’s a dietmar program with some changes from my coach! So from monday i will start logging my workouts!
So i have to wait another week before i get my new program! This week im training from a old program(kg);
Day 1:
Lower back extensions: 3x12
Sit-ups: 3x30
Box squat: 85x6 90x6 102,5x5 112,5x4 120x3 125x2
Bench: 70x6 80x5 85x5 85x4 90x3 95x3 100x3 100x3
Bench press with rubber band: 60x5 60x5 65x4 65x4
Wide-grip deadlift: 80x5 85x4 95x3 100x3 105x3 105x3 105x3
Lattrowing: 4x10
Triceps: 4x8
It was a gret workout! Good to do some squat and deadlift again! Fun to train a day from my old program, i can feel its much more easyer now! Tomorrow Im doing heavy squat!
Day 2:
Lower back extensions: 3x12
Sit-ups: 3x30
Squat: 92x6 105x5 107,5x5 115x4 125x4 130x4 135x3 145x3
Stiff leg deadlift: 85x5 95x4 105x4 110x4 115x4 120x3
Standing dumbbell press: 3x8
Chins: 3x8
Okay workout, the 145x3 squat sett was kind of heavy. Fun to do heavy squats again, nothings better then having heavy weights on your shoulders! So no training tomorrow, back on thursday(bench day)! Ordered the anaconda anabolic load last night, hope i will get it before christmas!
So this is my day off, no training! I want to write and post some clips of people that have inspired me from the day I started getting more serious with my workouts. Some of them are somewhat “famous” and some of them are just people at my gym! Some of them represent the reason I started training and competing in powerlifting, I will come back to that another time!
So lets start!
Tommy Odland:
A good friend,and also the reason I have reached my goals and got the results I have today!( I’ll write more about him another time) He already has two Norwegian records in benchpress at the tender age of 17 years old!
Tor Herman Omland:
Tor Herman goes under the term “famous” and is one of the people in my gym! I’m glad to have someone like Tor at my gym. He always helps me with my technique and when I’m having workouts with my gear. He has trained seriously for 17 years now and he’s got an enormous amount of knowledge about powerlifting! Old video of him, I think he’s good for 400 squat, 310 bench, and 330 deadlift!
Dave Tate:
Dave…well, Dave is one of the people I cant get enough of! He’s realy passionate about training and a lot of other things in life! When he wants something, he goes for it 110%! If I find videoes,articles and other stuff I can find of Dave I’ll always check it out!
Arnold Schwarzenegger:
When people talked about muscles back in the day,I remember always thinking about Arnold. I guess that goes for a alot of you out there. He has always been a hero for me and thousands of others. Everyone wants to look like Arnold! He will always be Mr. Olympia no 1!
Mark Rippetoe:
Reading “Strong Enough? Thoughts from Thirty Years of Barbell Training” really opened my eyes for Mark! I like the way he writes and discusses everything about traning philosophically! If you still haven’t read the book, be sure to do it!
These are some of the guys that helped/helps me on my way! I think it’s always important to copy the “professionals” if you are a beginner like me. If you want to be like them, just do what they do! I want to thank all these people, you have been everything and MORE for me over the years!
I was going to have my bench day today, but i changed it! So today it was Deadlift day!
Day 3:
Lower back extensions: 3x12
Sit-ups: 3x30
Front Squat: 65x5 75x5 80x5 87,5x4 95x3 97,5x3 102,5x2
Deadlift: 130x6 140x5 145x5 162,5x4 172,5x3 177,5x3 182,5x2 190x2 190x5( On the last sett I felt so good so I took 5 reps instead of 2) Made my day!
Chins with weights: 5x5
Biceps: 4x10
Backside of the shoulders: 3x14
The workout started out okay, I diden’t feel a 100%, but things started to go better on the last sets of the deadlift! Looking forward to benchpress tomorow!
Day 4:
Lower back extensions: 3x12
Sit-ups: 3x30
Benchpress: 65x6 75x5 80x4 90x4 95x3 100x3 100x3
Close-Grip Bench Press: 65x6 75x5 80x4 90x4 95x3
Military press: 4x6
Triceps: 5x10
Good workout, bench was easy and the close grip bench was easier! Good week, the deadlift saved the week! Now Im ready for my new program. So now I’m training to region cup in february! Have a good weekend you all!
Finally I got my new program and it looks good!
So here is my first day:
Squat: 100x6 112,5x5 125x4 132,5x3 132,5x3 132,5x3
Close-grip-Bench: 65x5 70x5 80x4 85x4
Wide-grip deadlift: 80x5 85x5 90x4 95x4
Military press 4x6
Triceps: 4x10
Okay workout, was tired! But mondays are always hard!
Sick today, NOT GOOD! Hope I get better to tomorrow , was looking forward to some bench and deadlift!
Day 2:
Lower back extensions: 3x12
Sit-ups: 3x30
Squat with stop: 77,5x4 80x4 85x4 90x3
Bench: 72,5x6 80x5 82,5x4 90x4 95x4 100x4
Deadlift: 130x6 135x5 145x4 150x4 155x3 170x3 175x2
Military press 4x6
Triceps: 4x10
Still sick but made it to the gym! It was not the worst workout, deadlift was heavy, because of my shape! Going strong tomorrow!
Day 2:
Lower back extensions: 3x12
Sit-ups: 3x30
Squat with stop: 77,5x4 80x4 85x4 90x3
Bench: 72,5x6 80x5 82,5x4 90x4 95x4 100x4
Deadlift: 130x6 135x5 145x4 150x4 155x3 170x3 175x2
Military press 4x6
Triceps: 4x10
Still sick but made it to the gym! It was not the worst workout, deadlift was heavy, because of my shape! Going strong tomorrow!
Day 3:
Lower back extensions: 3x12
Sit-ups: 3x30
Front Squat: 65x5 75x5 77,5x4 82,5x3
Bench with bottle: 85x5 90x5 100x4 105x4 110x4
Deadlift with bands: 160x6 165x5 177,5x4 190x3 200x3 210x3 210x3
Dips: 3x10
Triceps: 3x15
Good workout, bench was good and the deadlift easy! My shape is getting better!
Day 4:
Lower back extensions: 3x12
Sit-ups: 3x30
Box Squat: 80x6 85x5 90x4 100x3 100x3
Incline bench: 50x5 55x5 60x4 65x4
Stiff leg deadlift: 3x6 95kg
Nordic Hamstring: 3x8
Rowing: 4x10
I know, the weights on the incline bench is low! But its very new for me! Good workout. Is christmas so I have eaten a lot!
Week 2
Day 1:
Lower back extensions: 3x12
Sit-ups: 3x30
Squat: 105x7 107,5x6 115x6 115x6 115x6
Close-grip-Bench: 65x7 75x6 80x5 80x5
Wide-grip deadlift: 80x5 90x5 90x5 95x5
Military press 4x6
Triceps: 4x10
Good workout! Tomorrow I’m trying my new bench shirt!
Day 2:
Lower back extensions: 3x12
Sit-ups: 3x30
Squat with stop: 80x5 85x5 90x5 90x5
Bench: 65x8 75x6 80x6 85x5 85x5 85x5 85x5 90x4
Deadlift: 110x6 135x6 145x5 150x5 150x5 150x5 150x5
Military press 4x6
Triceps: 4x10
Good workout! The new bench shirt was tough! Its new, so I couldent get the bar down, looking forward to the next bench day!
Day 3:
Lower back extensions: 3x12
Sit-ups: 3x30
Box squat: 80x6 90x5 90x5 95x4 95x4 95x4
Incline bench: 50x6 60x5 60x5 65x4 65x4
Stiff leg deadlift: 102,5x5 110x5 110x5 110x5
Nordic Hamstring: 3x8
Rowing: 4x10
Chins: 5x8
Good workout! Got the bar down with my new bench shit, felt good! Ready to do some heavy bench!
Lower back extensions: 3x12
Sit-ups: 3x30
Front Squat: 65x6 75x6 77,5x5 77,5x5
Bench with bottle: 82,5x7 90x6 92,5x5 100x4 100x4 100x4
Deadlift with bands: 160x6 170x5 180x5 185x4 185x4 185x4
Dips: 3x10
Triceps: 3x15
Good workout! Happy new year:)