Hey guys,
I’ve been lurking around on T-Nation for around 2 years. I felt like it was time to start a log to easier see what weaknesses my program have. I’m gonna try be pretty detailed because I want to keep record for my own sake, not because I think you are dying to know about my training.
A little background of my training if anyone cares.
I started strength training around the time I was 18. I didn’t have any free barbells so all I did was RDL for legs with 35kg db’s which was the biggest db’s the gym had :). I did that for around 3-4 months then I joined a better gym and could do squats, deadlifts and bb benchpress, I was in heaven :P.
My 6RM when I started was around 70-80kg on squat, maybe 100kg on deadlift and 70kg on bench and I weighed like 73 kg I think. After 4-5 months of training my 5RM was 110kg on squat, 135kg dl and 90kg bench and weighed 82kg with some fat added. I had to do swedish military service for 10 months and I lost pretty much all the weight and strength after a month with all the running and very little food compared to what I was used to.
I could get to use the gym maybe 1 week per month and that probably helped me to maintain the technique for the lifts.
After the army I weighed around 77kg and I very quickly gained strength and muscle because I could eat more often and train regularly. Up until now I’ve done TBT within the ranges of 3-6reps and 5 weeks of GVT.
About 2 months ago I injured my right knee after squating, I don’t know why, probably because squating heavy 2 times during the week and 1 heavy dl and running 2 times was too much. Right now I still can’t squat below parallel but I can deadlift and I do bulgerian spilts with db’s. I’m was doing madcow 5x5 but after injuring my knee I have tweaked it. When my knee is healed I will try doing a split and see how my body responds.
Current stats (I’m probably stronger on upper body but haven’t tested all lifts)
Bench 115kg x6 254pounds
Close grip bench 110kg x3 242pounds
Squat pre injury 152.5kg x5 336pounds
Deadlift 170kg x 5 374pounds
Max chins (strict form) 15 reps
Standing Military press 75kg x5 165pounds
Power hang clean 95kgx3 209pounds
Ez-curl (not super strict) 40kgx15, 55kg x5 88pounds, 121 pounds
(I’ve long neglected biceps so I’m trying to bring them up hence their weakness)
Current training is one set highest weight and others are warmup sets
First number I use for reps second for sets, tell me if you do it differntly
Deadlift 5 reps x 4
Incline press 5 x 5
T-bar row 5x5
Close grip bench, not intense working on my form since that sucks and I’m losing stability in the bottom
Sitting behind the neck db’s extensions
Bulgarian squat 6-8x3
Standing Military press 8 x 4
Chins max reps with strict form
Power hang clean 3-5 x5
Ez-curl high rep with easy weight
Deadlift 5reps, and top set 3 reps
Incline bb bench same
Barbell row 5x4
Close grip bench, again working on form
DB’s laying on bench elbows out extensions ( don’t know name) 6 x3
Saturday GUNZZZ
Heavy pullups not strict 5 x 4 set
BB curls heavy
Hammer curls heavy
Around 15 dips
5-10g BCAA
+30min 100g gainer
25g protein
64.1g carbs
0.5 liter milk 3% fat 300kcal with
Around 66g whey, 55g protein, 220carbs
2-3hours after protein I usally have 500g of Swedish pea soup which is yellow peas and pork
600kcal, 32.5g protein, 75g carbs with about 0.3l milk
Workout time
-45min 7g bcaa
-30min 4g beta-alanin, 3g Citrulline malate
-10min 100g gainer
25g protein
64.1g carbs
During the workout I drink 75g hydrolyzed casein and whey protein with fast carbs
18.75g protein
52,5g carbs
+60min 100g gainer again
25g protein
64.1g carbs
food, after trainign I often make 200-250g chicken filé with 300g vegetables and noodles
I’m just estamating that it’s around 1200kcal and around 65-70g protein
Before bed I have around 100-200g cottage cheese and a glas of milk
per 100g cottage cheese
12g protein
2g carbs
I have around 8grams of omega 3 taken in during the day during the meals and snacks I have
that’s 1440mg EPA and 960 DHA
I also have around 1-2 tabs of ALA per day 300mg each
My snacks usually consist of sour milk Filmjölk - Wikipedia with some Muesli and Cinnamon and a glas of milk.
I’m getting around 3000kcal per day from the stuff I pretty much always eat and I’m guessing I’m getting maybe another 1000-1500 from snacks.
I’m from swedish so my english isn’t perfect if I write anything you don’t understand or you want me to write in another way please tell me.