Mdoern Strength by Poliquin...DID you like it?

I want to buy poliquin’s new book or ian king’s book. Any feedback on either oif these would be appreciated…Are they easy to understand workout? No I dont have chains etc for my bench workout. I workout at a Golds Gym and it has all the normal equipment.

Many of the workouts (set-rep schemes) covered in Modern Trends can be found on this site. Do a search on Charles Poliquin. If you read the training articles he has written for T-mag, you will find almost every workout that is in Modern Trends. Overall, I found it to be fairly informative. If I had a choice, I would purchase Ian King’s ‘How to Write Strength Training Programs’ and ‘Get Buffed’. Both of King’s books are invaluable for designing your own workouts.

If it’s one or the other, pick King’s. It covers more and is a better buy.

I heard that Ian King’s book was good, but I do own the Modern Trends book. Poliquin’s book has become my weight lifting bible. I only wish he would produce a exercise encyclopedia and a diet book. It is well worth the 30 bucks.

SO poliquins book is 10$ cheaper…Is it better then poliquin priciples? Is IAN KINGS BOOK easy to understand?