Officer McLamb explains that as a Vietnam veteran, he knows and is in contact with veterans, and a few P.O.W.s.
“All the P.O.W.s that I’ve talked to over the years say that John McCain is a lying skunk…”
“…You know, that he,he never was tortured.They were there in the camp with him, and when he came in with his two broken arms because he failed to pull his arms in when he bailed out of his plane,and had a leg injury,he immediately started spilling his guts about everything because he didn’t want to get tortured…”
The Swift Boat Vets were speaking the truth. If men who were there have something to say, they deserve to be heard. The same is true for anyone who was with McCain.
As an aside: I’m tired of stealth-libs like Bush and McCain. Don’t know whether to vote for Hillary or Libertarian.
Hillary because she is so evil it would give Conservatives someone to run against for decades, like Jimmy Carter. Of course, Hillary is far more Satanic than Carter, so who knows how much damage she would do.
Libertarian is a wasted vote but DOES follow my principles.
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
The Swift Boat Vets were speaking the truth. If men who were there have something to say, they deserve to be heard. The same is true for anyone who was with McCain.
The swift boat vets, and every other Vietnam Vet have every right to be pissed off about Kerry’s anti-war speech’s, especially his “war criminals” testimony. But with the Swift Boat Vets campaign you get a mixed bag, some of whom served with him and others who didn’t who only came out long after the fact to challenge the official record. And to counter that there were a good number of men who served with Kerry who came out in his defense.
In this case you’ve got a guy who admits that he never served with McCain, but who claims to know a lot of anonymous vets and pows who hate the guy. Fine, let them come forward, state who they are and how they claim to know what they know, otherwise their testimony is nothing but a cowardly smear.
[quote]lixy wrote:
Uncle Gabby wrote:
[…]but leave his military record alone.
Would you walk me through your logic here? Is that an unwritten rule? Something sacred?
Sacred, yes. The official records are always flawed at best. Get two veterans together who served side by side, and their remembered versions of events will be different. How many men ever come out of a war spotless? The fact that a man served his country and was discharged honorably should always be to his credit, and if you want to prove otherwise you better come with more than hearsay.
[quote]Uncle Gabby wrote:
lixy wrote:
Uncle Gabby wrote:
[…]but leave his military record alone.
Would you walk me through your logic here? Is that an unwritten rule? Something sacred?
Sacred, yes. The official records are always flawed at best. Get two veterans together who served side by side, and their remembered versions of events will be different. How many men ever come out of a war spotless? The fact that a man served his country and was discharged honorably should always be to his credit, and if you want to prove otherwise you better come with more than hearsay. [/quote]
Well, that’s a fundamentally different take than saying “leave his military record alone”.
I don’t personally know McCain, so I can’t speak about him, but know there are scumbags who can claim to have served their country and been discharged honorably. Flunking that in the face of anyone attempting to criticize the person is a logical fallacy at best.
Would love to hear those 32 ‘commercials’ that McCain made for the North Vietnamese murderers.
If this election isn’t a sham election put forth by the powers-that-be, then my name is Karl Marx and Hitler’s descendents are going to make me the Gauleiter of Cincinnati.
This is a really dumb thread. And I usually don’t start out my responses so rudely, but this one deserves it.
The man was held captive, tortured, and suffers permanent disabilities from said treatment. Commercials? I don’t care if he starred in full lenght movies on their behalf, with the treatment he went through. Any of you sacrifice as much pain and motor function as he has for this nation?
See my other threads, this isn’t a guy I’m rooting for. But, this is just tasteless.
[quote]lixy wrote:
Flunking that in the face of anyone attempting to criticize the person is a logical fallacy at best.[/quote]
What the fuck are you talking about? You can criticize the person all you want. Attack him for being a liberal, for snorting coke and murdering prostitutes and buring the bodies out behind the toolshed, if you have proof. Don’t attack the fact that he served his country and was crippled in that service with a lot of hearsay. Don’t try to attack an Honorable service record by slinging shit from the shadows.
Edit: In fact, let me appologize to the swift boat vets for comparing them to this fucker.
[quote]Mick28 wrote:
With the sort of low life comments like the one that started this thread, it’s a wonder that anyone runs for public office.[/quote]
I wish the idiots that do would heed your words and quit.
While I wouldn’t cross the street to piss on McCain if he were on fire, I am not going to call his service into question. There are many things other than his service record that he should answer for before we go back 40 years.
This is a really dumb thread. And I usually don’t start out my responses so rudely, but this one deserves it.
The man was held captive, tortured, and suffers permanent disabilities from said treatment. Commercials? I don’t care if he starred in full lenght movies on their behalf, with the treatment he went through. Any of you sacrifice as much pain and motor function as he has for this nation?
See my other threads, this isn’t a guy I’m rooting for. But, this is just tasteless.[/quote]
Sloth, I agree. And here is something I would like to throw out.
Anyone familiar with the Staples’ “Easy Button” commercials, particularly the one where suddenly gadgets and things are raining furiously around the office because someone is inadvertently sitting on the “Easy” button, and everyone is being pummeled and are up to their knees in stuff?
That is exactly what is happening around here, except someone is apparently sitting on the “Stupid” button.
So, please - whoever is sitting on the “Stupid” button, please remove yourself from it. The PWI forums are about full up with all the “Stupid” it can take, and has been that way for a while.
[quote]Uncle Gabby wrote:
What the fuck are you talking about? You can criticize the person all you want. Attack him for being a liberal, for snorting coke and murdering prostitutes and buring the bodies out behind the toolshed, if you have proof. Don’t attack the fact that he served his country and was crippled in that service with a lot of hearsay. Don’t try to attack an Honorable service record by slinging shit from the shadows.[/quote]
I am not attacking anyone. I just cannot understand the idea that the mere fact that a person who participated in a war (though invasion seems more appropriate) that achieved absolutely nothing but cause suffering and deaths, should not only be given credit ‘for serving his country’ but his military record should simply be ‘left alone’.
This whole concept is alien to me.
Now, I have no problems giving McCain the benefit of the doubt, but your attempt to dismiss the OP on the ground that “military records” are untouchable just 'cause you say so is evidently flawed.
Bring forth arguments why you think McCain’s version is more credible than that of the other veteran. Say that “lying skunk” is a cheap-shot. What you shouldn’t be doing, is appeal to emotions to slam the opposing viewpoint. I don’t want to use terms such as “censor” but you’ve come pretty close.
[quote]Mick28 wrote:
With the sort of low life comments like the one that started this thread, it’s a wonder that anyone runs for public office.[/quote]
[quote]lixy wrote:
Bring forth arguments why you think McCain’s version is more credible than that of the other veteran. Say that “lying skunk” is a cheap-shot. What you shouldn’t be doing, is appeal to emotions to slam the opposing viewpoint. I don’t want to use terms such as “censor” but you’ve come pretty close.[/quote]
Do you know what the word “censor” means?
So who’s forcing your worthless mouth shut? Who is coming “pretty close”?
Bring forth arguments why you think McCain’s version is more credible than that of the other veteran. [/quote]
Us provide arguments? And the other veteran? The other veteran is repeating what anonymous sources told him, and nothing else. No evidence to actually back up what he was told by unverifiable sources . On the otherhand, McCain’s experience is documented. Nope, the burden of proof isn’t on our, nor McCain’s, shoulders.
Bring forth arguments why you think McCain’s version is more credible than that of the other veteran.
Us provide arguments? And the other veteran? The other veteran is repeating what anonymous sources told him, and nothing else. No evidence to actually back up what he was told by unverifiable sources . On the otherhand, McCain’s experience is documented. Nope, the burden of proof isn’t on our, nor McCain’s, shoulders.[/quote]
Good. That is an argument.
Saying “leave his military record alone” because he “served his country” is not.