Maybe dumb questions but ......

Sorry if these are dumb questions.
I’m 53, 6’1", 180#, work out routinely (weights and cycling) and if I say so myself in pretty good shape. The problem is I’d like a little more bulk and definition. Raising my routines only seems to decrease my muscle mass. I’m on a fairly normal diet - maybe leaning towards the high protein end.
Lately I’ve looked at the various anabolics, precursors, etc. but have been scared off by some of the side effects.
Any advice for supplements to help me mass up a little? Are any of the anabolics or precursors free of side effects? Oh yeah - at my age I could also use a little boost in the sex department. Any advice there? Thanks for any help guys.

Go get your T levels tested. Read Cy Willson’s “Your Doctor, Your Dealer” article first, though. You may can get Testosterone replacement therapy. Also read the article on that topic in issue #76 of T-mag.

A word on side effects, the general rule seems to be “the better the product/drug, the higher the risk of potential side effects.”

If you’d rather not go the T-replacement route, you sound like a prime cadidate for Tribex-500. Read the info at the Biotest store (click on the bottles at the top of this screen). It will help in the sex drive department and give you an edge when comes to gaining some extra muscle. Androsol and Nandrosol would be another option. Maybe start there to get things going with a bang and then go on Tribex.

I think that a 2 on 4 off cycle of Andosol or Nandrosol would be very effective for you. At the same time, the 2weeks on 4 off is very conservative and as safe as you’re going to get. From my own experience with the Androsol I can’t imagine ANY problems with sides. I also think that it would be a good idea if you go see your doctor and have your test levels checked. It’s possible that your levels may be low enough to warrant a prescription :]. If you are so inclined and your levels are too high for a Rx, I would even look into a cycle of Primo. Best of luck to ya!

You didn’t specify how much time you spend cycling. As you know, if you want to gain weight you have to keep you aerobic workouts pretty low. As for your diet, check out Get big diet for bodybuilders.It’s a good diet to start with.I strongly suggest you pick up some androsol or nandrosol.Side effects are almost non existent, if you do what the label says. If you don’t want to use these,Tribex 500 is the right supplement for you. Both Tribex and Androsol will improve your sex drive a great deal. If you want to improve the strength of your erection even more add a PC exercise to your new supplement regimen.

To add bulk you need to squat. Power training will improve your cycling and make you bigger and stronger. More is not necessarily better.