Supplement questions.

Here are a few supplement questions I’d like to know.

  1. When cycling Androsol, should I go 2 weeks on, 4 off, or 2 on/2 off. I’ve seen both cylces mentions on the site. If I take Tribex, will my natural testosterone levels recover quicker, and allow me to do 2 on/2 off?

  2. I’d like to stack Androsol with Tribex-500 and Methoxy-7, but the supplements are a little more expensive here in the UK, so I’ll probably only use one of these supplements. I’m 19 yrs so my testosterone levels are naturally high, so could I take 1/2 the recommended dose of Tribex-500 without compromising my gains? Or should I use methoxy-7? Or should I take both but in lower doses to save money?

  3. If I use Androsol for 2 weeks, then use Tribex-500, what % of my LBM increase would i keep? Would taking Methoxy-7 help me retain more muscle, or would Tribex do the job well enough?

Thanks in advance,

I would also like to see the question of the 2weeks on/2weeks off answered.

You can take androsol 2 on 2 off or 2 on 4 off, depending on how many back to back cycles you are doing. If you were going to keep cycling for months, you might want to go 2 on 4 off, if you were just doing a few cycles, 2 on 2 off wouldn’t hurt. Tribex will elevate your natural T levels, so you might want it post cycle, especially if your only taking 2 weeks off. Because you are short on money, I would go for Androsol. If you need it, tribex would be next. I would forget methoxy because it is more expensive and Androsol is more effective. How much you keep post cycle depends on how developed you already are, but because you are 19 you’re probably not at your peak. I would think you would keep most if not all of your gains with out taking anything post androsol cycle. I am about your age and keep all my gains with no tribex, as do my friends.