[quote]buckjawnson wrote:
Sailorchris wrote:
buckjawnson wrote:
Sailorchris wrote:
Hi Buck:
I’m also in process of lossing my substantial unwanted fat. I’ve been at it for about two months and have had very good sucess with a HIIT full body weight workout.
I’m eating real clean and healthy and doing this HIIT program 4 times a week, and I’ve lost 30 lbs. I modified this HIIT to include some bench press work, and deadlifts. I’m presently teaching myslef squats using a stick and once i have the form/flexability down, I’ll add both front and back squats. There is also noticable muscle gains so weight loss is not my guide, fat loss is what is motivating to me. I’ve lost 3 0r 4 pant sizes, and my 3x and 4x shirts hang on me like Omar the tent makers extra’s.
Good to hear your focusing on your diet. I suspect it could get pretty frustrating if your working your tail off in the gym but your moving in the opposite direction at the dinner table. I’ll check in with you and look forward to hearing about your progress.
That’s fantastic to hear Sailor. Looks like we are in a similar situation and have decided to end the madness so to speak. That HIIT looks really challenging and I know I can’t do a chin up for the life of me - too much excess weight. So if I do try it I would have to replace that exercise with something else. Also, it seems like only 3x a week is a little easy, maybe I could modify it for a 5x week program. I am always looking to learn because I am a complete n00b when it comes to proper lifting and I know it. Thanks for the advice Sailor.
I’ve modified my routine to accommodate certain things i cant do, i cant squat with weights yet, and I dont have a chin up bar so I just dont do this. In there place I added a deadlift, and bench press. I should also mention i do combine the A & B routine for every workout and do both in their entirety subject to the modifications mentioned above every other day. It takes me 1h 30m to 1h 45m to get through the circuit. You definatley need the rest day because this thing kicks your ass. On the off days I will either 1) Take the day off (usually a weekend day) 2) do a Tabata bike routine workout (20 minutes) along with Bicep and Tricep workout 3) go for a good long walk with my wife. I;m sure you could think about other things to do on your off days, if you want to workout on these days. You’re probably going to hear people in T-Nation talk about recovery and how important it is, etc. And I’m sure it is, but they dont have 140 lbs they are trying to lose. So I’ll workout until the fat is gone. Until then I don’t have the time or the desire to stop and smell the roses.
Unless you have some physical limitations you havnt mentioned then you can do this circuit. With this HIIT routine you can start slow. I started with 3 sets of 5 reps for each excersize, now I’m at 4 sets of 5 reps, next week I;m going to the full 3 x 5, 4 x 10, and 3 x 15. So if I dont post something next week call my wife and ask here where and when the funeral will be.
With this circuit you burn so much energy/calories you just cant get this from isolation excersizes. Each one of the excersizes in this HIIT is a full body excersize. The body weight squats are killer and so are the kettlebell swings.
Good to hear man. Yeah I am at the stage where I feel like I failed myself if I don’t workout during any given day. Today I pushed myself to actually take a full rest day and I did nothing, which felt really strange and I just don’t like it. I want to work my body as hard as I can without passing out… which I almost did a few times lol. I don’t have any physical limitations except for being a fat guy, which only gets in the way whenever I try to do pullups or something like that, otherwise I am pretty strong for being such a newbie. The only thing that I can’t do with the HIIT is the kettlebell thing because none of the campus gyms have those, except maybe the PSU football gym… but I obviously don’t play football so I can’t get in there. So I guess I will try tying a rope to a dumbbell and doing it that way if I do the HIIT program.
Good luck whenever you do the full on program, and hopefully we won’t have to attend a funeral. 
You can get a kettlebell for about $.50 to $1.25 lb at most places that sell weights. I bought a new 18 lb kettlebell at our local Play it again sports store for about $23.00 And the swing is actually a misnomer because the swing is you actually lifting the weight vertical not actually swinging it, if anything the swing is the downward motion betwen your legs for full ROM (range of motion). The rope thing sounds way to dangerous.