Maximal Fat Loss in a Short Time

Im finishing up a fat loss cycle, and am going on vacation in about 2 weeks. So ive got about 1-2 weeks left to train. I know not much can happen in such a short time, but what are some ideas, to lose the most fat in this time?

I just did two “carb-up” days, and am gonna go back to a diet very similar to the get shredded diet for the last two weeks. The only major difference between the GSD and what i’ll do, is that mine will have some carbs post workout.

Im at about 182 and around 12% BF.

Currently Ive been training 5 days per week, 3 resistance days using TBT and 2 “cardio” days which start with 4 minutes of TABATA, and end with about 9 minutes of HIIT.

After these two weeks, i’ll be on vacation and am gonna take off 1 month entirely from lifting, so I wanna end hard.

I have a lot of free time, so I was thinking of maybe going to the gym 5 days, and on 3 of those days go twice.

That means i could do 3 resistance sessions, and five conditioning/ cardio sessions. Also, since my calories are gonna be somewhat low, i’ll probably try to keep the workouts short but intense, no longer than 30-40 minutes each session.

Any recomendations on specific programs, or just different methods guys?

Stop eating

What is your GLA intake like? Just something to think about from Justin Harris of Troponin Nutrition:
A Fat That BURNS Fat?
By Justin Harris

Many forms of fat are �??healthy.�?? Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to decrease inflammation and benefit circulatory system health. Omega 6 fatty acids are actually �??inflammatory�?? fatty acids, which work to increase the pro-inflammatory leukotriene, LTB4.

LTB4 augments the production of interleukin 1, which is called the endogenous pyrogen, and establishes the temperature set point of the body. An increase in the temperature set point will cause a subsequent increase in the metabolic rate.

The types of omega 6 fatty acids are linoleic acid, eicosadienoic acid, dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid, arachidonic acid, adrenic acid, docosapentaenoic acid, calendic acid, and gamma-linolenic acid. In this article, we will focus on the latter, gamma-linolenic acid.

Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is an essential fatty acid (EFA) in the omega-6 family that is found primarily in plant-based oils. EFAs must be obtained from food because they can�??t be formed by the body in the way that nonessential fatty acids are.

They are needed for normal brain function, growth and development, and bone health. They also stimulate skin and hair growth, regulate metabolism, and maintain the body�??s reproductive processes.

Those who are overweight have an under-active fat known as brown adipose tissue (BAT). BAT is a type of fatty acid found in hibernating animals, and its primary purpose is to generate body heat. The method by which it does this is called metabolic uncoupling. It causes an uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation by carrying protons into the mitochondria across the cell membrane.

Oxidative phosphorylation is a very potent method of storing energy that is much more effective than any other method in the body. When the proton enters the mitochondria, it changes the pH levels inside the mitochondria causing it to release its energy as heat instead of usable adenosine 5�??-triphosphate (ATP).

GLA�??s method of action in the body is quite unique because it has the potential to actually burn fat in the body. Its action on BAT is potentially its most exciting method of energy usage.

It activates BAT, and in turn, burns calories. GLA also activates the ATPase metabolic process, commonly referred to as the �??sodium pump,�?? and stimulates it to use up nearly 50 percent of the body�??s total calories. Some studies have shown a relationship between obesity and low levels of GLA in the body. Indirectly, GLA also has the potential to raise serotonin levels, which can reduce appetite.

Another type of metabolic uncoupler is the highly effective and highly dangerous 2,4 dinitrophenol, known on the �??street�?? as DNP. Knowing that a legal, nonlethal, and readily available DNP type product is available should have all of us salivating at the mouth…and highly interested in this exciting method of fat burning where we are actually using fat to burn fat.

Now, all of this information is essentially useless if you don�??t know where to find concentrated forms of GLA. Lucky for us, GLA is found in many fatty acid products that are available at any nutrition store. Two fat sources in particular�??evening primrose oil and borage oil�??both contain high levels of GLA. Of the two, borage oil is more potent.

ultimate weight (not onlyfat) fatloss…interresting reading!!

Extremely interesting. Thanks for that.

I know some competitors who add in evening primrose oil and/or borage oil while dieting down. I believe Thibaudeau did the same when he was cutting down below 10%, but IIRC he was only taking around a few tablespoons of the same (feel free to correct me).
has anyone used borage oil during a mass phase/ Replacing part of fish oil intake with an equivalent amt of this seems to make sense.

[quote]laroyal wrote:
What is your GLA intake like? Just something to think about from Justin Harris of Troponin Nutrition:
borage oil is more potent.

[quote]tribunaldude wrote:
Extremely interesting. Thanks for that.

I know some competitors who add in evening primrose oil and/or borage oil while dieting down. I believe Thibaudeau did the same when he was cutting down below 10%, but IIRC he was only taking around a few tablespoons of the same (feel free to correct me).
has anyone used borage oil during a mass phase/ Replacing part of fish oil intake with an equivalent amt of this seems to make sense.

laroyal wrote:
What is your GLA intake like? Just something to think about from Justin Harris of Troponin Nutrition:
borage oil is more potent.

What are the oils for? To make you shit?

I have no idea how much GLA I take in, if any. I take in about 8-12g+ of fish oil per day. And some ground flax, but I think thats it.

I was looking at CP’s super-accumulation program, and it looked interesting. I dont think I would follow that exact program on a calorie deficit, but im gonna do something similar. I’ll write it up in the next two days, and post it for you guys to critique. Thanks for the advice thus far.

[quote]Rampage74 wrote:
ultimate weight (not onlyfat) fatloss…interresting reading!![/quote]

Rampage, that was an interesting article, but im not trying to get down for a weigh-in or anything like that. I just want to look as ripped as possible in two weeks.

Which brings me to another question. Im sure I can find the answer to this on the site, and will search for it as well. But aren’t there things you can do, to minimize the amount of excess body water your holding, to make you look more ripped? Like changing your sodium intake, and keeping carbs low, and changing your water intake?

Living in Columbus and being one of Dr. Eric Serrano’s patients I have had the good fortune of his guidance over the last 8+ years. Here is his approach to fat loss called the Zero Tolerance Fat Loss Plan:

you should have fun with those two!!

[quote]laroyal wrote:
Living in Columbus and being one of Dr. Eric Serrano’s patients I have had the good fortune of his guidance over the last 8+ years. Here is his approach to fat loss called the Zero Tolerance Fat Loss Plan:[/quote]

Thanks for that, the nutrition program is almost spot on with what ive been doing. And I just did s short carb load based on intuition, and am ready to get back to low carb.

Also, those 50 reps of squats in 5:00 sound fun, im gonna give em a try.

[quote]Rampage74 wrote:

you should have fun with those two!![/quote]

Great! Just what I was looking for, thank you.

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