Any one know were I can get one of those one rep. max calculation charts. Like we all used in high school.
Not any that would be of value. One rep maxes differ individually (fiber makeup) and of course by exercise. For example, can you squat 90% of your 1RM 6 times?? Probably not, but you may be able to DB bicep curl 90% for 6.
Useless, save your money.
Hey man, like the first two posters said they are not the most reliable things in the world but here is one from the NSCA essentials of strength training and conditioning book
%1RM No of reps
100 1
95 2
93 3
90 4
87 5
85 6
83 7
80 8
75 10
70 11
67 12
65 15
It is important to remember that this is applicable to a mean populace rather than an individual
apparently it is the best estimate available i personally am out by several reps when i compare my self to the mean population.
The above data when applied works out very close to what is in the weight vs reps table in tudor bompas book periodization training for sports.
In fact i think the formaula he has used is:
1RM= 100 X Weight /(100-Reps*2.5)
***it should be noted that the equation above is only applicable for rep ranges between 2 and 10
I have tried this out on his tables (yeah im a maths geek so what) and have come within 0.5 kgs on all values that i tried.
with some mathmatical rearanging you can use that formula to give you your 1 RM, No of reps to expect with a certrain weight or amount of weight you could handle for a certain no of reps provided you have the two other variables.
As you can see the NSCA table and my equation that I comes with in a half kilo of Bompa’s data are very close and effectively the same.
You can also go to a website and click on files and then click on miscelaneous to find it on a spread sheet with the hard work already done all you have to do is plug in the numbers.
I got Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning a little while ago and it blew me aways when I saw their advice on reps. You just can’t reliably be that specific because deviation scores become larger and larger the more specific you get. People also have a tendency to forget that the “mean populace” doesn’t actually exist, and that truth is especially dramatic in strength training. The only thing you can always rely on in terms of volume and intensity is that there’s a negative relationship. One goes up, the other goes down. But individual differences are still there. I can do 20-rep squats with 80% of my non-equipped max, but my training partner can barely get five good reps. On the other hand, he out-squats me by 100 pounds at least. Even Prilepin’s volume/intensity scale doesn’t always add up, although it may be one of the more reliable estimates. The best advice I think is out there is from Fred Hatfield who just says to take a rep max with 80% (might be wrong on the percentage there) and see how many you can get. The more you get, the more likely you are to make gains on higher reps. And even then, you will be differnt everyday–even from hour to hour. Sorry about the long post. I’ll just end with this–the more personally tailored your routine, the more likely it is to give you gains. Good lifting
A 1 rep max chart that is dead-on accurate for the bench was included in a booklet put out by Next Nutrition titled “The IsoCaloric “No Diet” Fat Burning Handbook.” Next Nutiriton used to give them away free. Everyone at my gym who has used the chart swears by it. Sorry I don’t have a scanner or I’d send you a copy. Anyway, contact Next and maybe they still have them. good luck.
Go to They have a max chart you can copy.