[quote]Goodfellow wrote:
Oroborus wrote:
Sweet jesus, those DBs are enormous. I expected Kroc to be bigger than JJ
Well JJ is a Olympia level bodybuilder :p[/quote]
It would take a while for Kroc to build a chest as filled out as Johnnie’s. I think he hits over 270 in the off season when powerlifting and Jackson looks ridiculously huge in his training vids for it.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
Goodfellow wrote:
Oroborus wrote:
Sweet jesus, those DBs are enormous. I expected Kroc to be bigger than JJ[/quote] Why? They’re of similar weight etc… Roughly. Actually, JJ seems to get quite a bit heavier than kroc in the off-season, at least occasionally. [quote]
Well JJ is a Olympia level bodybuilder
It would take a while for Kroc to build a chest as filled out as Johnnie’s. I think he hits over 270 in the off season when powerlifting and Jackson looks ridiculously huge in his training vids for it.[/quote]
JJ has the rounder, fuller muscle-bellies by far.
To the poster above, who suggested increased volume for kroc… That’s not going to change his genetic shape, and it’s pretty obvious that low-volume, high rep work is what works best for him as it is. Kroc used to train with more volume and it simply didn’t work so well compared to what he’s doing now…
The difference between him and Johnnie are largely due to genetics, not training style, though Kroc could bring up a muscle-group or two (has to go rather light on his arm work due to tendonitis etc, could perhaps do more effective exercises for his backwdith in relation to his shape etc, rather than chins and pullups), but whatever, he’s not made for bodybuilding at the top level.
I think those two show the visual differences between high-level bodybuilders and powerlifters (when both are lean) fairly well (ok, JJ is a powerlifter as well as a bodybuilder, but you get what I mean).
Muscle-shape and joint-thickness mostly…
A few muscle-groups that are perhaps a little weaker on one than on the other (esp. for shirted benchers the chest will likely be less developed as it’s simply not as important to their bench numbers as the tris and lats and whatnot), but overall they’re fairly even in actual amount of muscularity.
[quote]drewh wrote:
I wonder how big Kroc could get if he shifted his goals to bodybuilding. His training is pretty low volume[/quote]
Lately he has shifted his training toward gaining a lot of size while also getting stronger. He decided it was time to step it up to the 242’s because he has outgrown cutting to 220. He is now 12 pounds heavier than in the video.