Massive Eating

According to the Massive Eating calcs, I should be taking in 3720 KCal. That is all well and good, but what macro breakdown am I going for? if 30% Carb, 40% Pro, 30% Fat like he recommends with ‘moderate’ insulin sensitivity, thats 372 g protein, which is 2g / lb. I normally shoot for around 1g / lb. Should I stick with that, or bump it up to 2g / lb? Thanks.

Further more, has anyone had any good experiences with ME?


Halfassing a program hurts only you. Either do it all the way or not at all. Only through forcing ourselves to change will we see results.


[quote]Sabastian525 wrote:
I normally shoot for around 1g / lb. Should I stick with that, or bump it up to 2g / lb?

Halfassing a program hurts only you. Either do it all the way or not at all. Only through forcing ourselves to change will we see results.


Im going to have to disagree on this.

Do what it takes to gain weight. If you do that with 1gram per lb of body weight why eat another 150+ grams of protein on top of that?

Having had a bit of a binge recently and been looking at the mirror on funny angles, when I lookd down this morning I realized that i was just getting fat. So I’m going to cut a bit before embarking on it (ie. JBs suggestion) and then start ME later on, perhaps january. Thanks for the help though guys.

Berardi’s recommendations are a little high for some folks

add 250-500 cals a day to what you do now, and give it a couple of months

massive eating was designed to help skinny bastards. if you aren’t one, maybe you shouldn’t do it.

just a thought