According to the Massive Eating calcs, I should be taking in 3720 KCal. That is all well and good, but what macro breakdown am I going for? if 30% Carb, 40% Pro, 30% Fat like he recommends with ‘moderate’ insulin sensitivity, thats 372 g protein, which is 2g / lb. I normally shoot for around 1g / lb. Should I stick with that, or bump it up to 2g / lb? Thanks.
Further more, has anyone had any good experiences with ME?
Having had a bit of a binge recently and been looking at the mirror on funny angles, when I lookd down this morning I realized that i was just getting fat. So I’m going to cut a bit before embarking on it (ie. JBs suggestion) and then start ME later on, perhaps january. Thanks for the help though guys.