Massive Eating and Muscle Growth

Can anyone tell me in general terms how long after a workout muscle growth/hypertrophy starts and stops. John M. Berardi’s Massive Eating is self cycling but there are times when I miss workouts due to work and travel commitments but dont want to miss out on gains from my last workouts or overeat. I also want to reglate my eating moving into regular rest weeks every 6 weeks or so where I want to cycle protein intake a little and try to lose a pound or so of the fat I’ve gained in my last workout cycle.

Hey you, you can’t be Tyler, I am Tyler, don’t you watch Seinfeld, we can’t have 2 Tyler’s. You can be either Koko or Gammy. LOL

The muscle recovers strength over a period
that may be a full week. (However, it doesn’t follow that it must be best to train only after being back to full strength – a second stimulus while only mostly recovered from the
first can certainly also be a good plan.)

For how long does much growth occur (if growth
occurs at all, which it usually doesn’t)?

My personal guess is additional calories
and protein will help support that process
for up to 5 days – past that, might as
well be at maintenance.

So, if a short layoff is necessary, I wouldn’t cut back on the diet, if in a gaining phase,
until after 5 days – except you might want
to adjust for the fewer calories being burned
due to not working out. You’d still have the
same protein amount and caloric excess.

No wait up - I was here posting at that time. Could it be that I posted this (Fight Club joke). My mistake Tyler - oversight on my first post - Ill use my middle name in future ;).

Many thanks for the concise reply Bill - I'll apply it in my next not so "active" rest. Respect.