Having been quite diasppointed by several programmes that I
previously followed and having some degree of success with
Massive Eating, I have decided to start the Growth Surge
I have just completed the initial two-week resting period.
Before I move on with the two intense weeks, I have three
burning questions:
- It is most often reccommended to have a slow-releasing carb meal [e.g. oatmeal/rye flakes + protein powder] prior to a workout, a simple carb + protein mean immediately after a workout, and another protein + complex carb meal 1 to 2 hours after a workout. Usually I increase the number of protein + fat meals throughout the rest of the day to make up for high amount of carbs and low amounts of fat eated around the workout time. With two workouts a day, it seems like I will have little time for protein + fat meals. How do you get around this problem, so that a Massive Eating plan is maintained despite a need to fest on carbs around the two workouts ???
What is a GOOD MORNING exercise ? Nobody here in UK has
any idea !!! -
I have all my food, proteins, creatine, and MAG 10 ready.
Before I begin, I’d once again like to know what are the
possible consequences of a 2-week MAG10 cycle? Given
that I use TRIBEX 500 as reccommended, will there be any
long-term effects ? I am 23, and weigh 81kgs. I’d like to
get up to 85 at the least.
I hope that some of you guys can give me some help here.