Hello. I’m 21, 175 for 66 kg 11% bf and I have trained for 3 years. When I started I was 49kg. I have worked out until now every day training only one group of muscle at week. I want to change this routine and I’m looking for a schedule that will help me to increase my muscle. I thought the best choice for me, if I want to train every day, is a schedule with the split push pull leg. Correct me if I’m wrong.
Bench press
DB incline bench
Military press
Heavy dips
DB lateral sides
French press
Heavy pull ups
Chest supported rows
Lat machine
Barbell curl
Concentration curl
Leg press
Lounges with dumbbells
My objective is to gain muscle not to became stronger. Thank you
My objective is to gain muscle not to became stronger. Thank you[/quote]
you want 20 inch biceps while using the pink dumbells?
Ahah ok I expressed myself badly. I wanted to say that my priority is to increase my muscle not the strength. So I’m asking if it is a good idea to follow this split.
Or it is better a split like this:
Day 1 chest
Day 2 back
Day 3 shoulder arms
Day 4 leg
Day 5 push
Day 6 pull
Day 7 leg
If you want to get bigger, you must also get stronger. Strength and size are not mutually exclusive. You must also eat enough to gain weight.
Going from an underweight 49kg to normal weight for your height in 3 years is rather slow progress. I started lighter at 1.76m in my teens and gained that amount in around 6 months IIRC. Maybe less.
Choose a 6 day split from here:
Put in the effort and you will see results. Intensity and progression will make you grow, not the program.
[quote]palestra wrote:
I’m looking for a schedule that will help me to increase my muscle.[/quote]
Push/Pull/Legs can definitely be a solid template but I think you’d do better choosing a program from the archive here or look into one that dt79 mentioned. It’d be laid out better (even though you didn’t mention your sets/reps) and would be easier to follow and progress with.
Also, realize that when it comes to building muscle, your training program is less important than your nutrition plan. Take whatever training routine, but if you aren’t eating enough (calories, protein, carbs, and fats), you won’t gain an ounce.
What, exactly, did you eat yesterday?
Why do you want to train every day? More training requires even more attention to diet because, to oversimplify things, you recover/grow when you’re not training and burning calories when you are training.
Rippetoe isn’t a “bodybuilding coach” by any means, but he talks about an important concept here:
[quote]palestra wrote:
I’m looking for a schedule that will help me to increase my muscle.[/quote]
Push/Pull/Legs can definitely be a solid template but I think you’d do better choosing a program from the archive here or look into one that dt79 mentioned. It’d be laid out better (even though you didn’t mention your sets/reps) and would be easier to follow and progress with.
Also, realize that when it comes to building muscle, your training program is less important than your nutrition plan. Take whatever training routine, but if you aren’t eating enough (calories, protein, carbs, and fats), you won’t gain an ounce.
What, exactly, did you eat yesterday?
Why do you want to train every day? More training requires even more attention to diet because, to oversimplify things, you recover/grow when you’re not training and burning calories when you are training.
Rippetoe isn’t a “bodybuilding coach” by any means, but he talks about an important concept here:
Where is the archivie? Sorry I’m new and I do not know well this website.
About what I ate yesterday:
8:30 500g yogurt light and 70g oats
12:00 100g rye bread, 20g almonds and 50g bresaola
14:00 100g whole wheat pasta, 10g oil extra vergin and 120g tuna
17:00 an apple, 100g cottage cheese and 20g almonds
21:00 100g whole wheat pasta with 10g oil extra vergin, 2 egs and 4 white of the egs
23:00 100g cottage cheese and 20g almonds
I prefer to train every day because I love to work out. It is overall a passion, secondly it is a way to increase my mass