this was mentioned in another thread so i was curious-can all people who lift heavy stick out there stomachs like this? i have noticed that ist seems worse in those who use belts consistently.
i’m not too awfull chunky (12%), but with my shirt on i kind of look like i have a gut. weak TA? too high IAP? any thoughts?
When I was eating strictly to lift heavy and bulk, I actually had a belly too (one ab) that stuck out as well. Mine was mostly due to what I ate (which was everything in sight any chance I got). Milk especially is bound to make more bloated than a pregnant mom.
Today, of course, Im much more in favor of a balanced approach that favors endurance as well as strength, flexibility, feeling good all around (without being bloated), and being mentally and spiritually tough (which many seem to ignore, but which will do nothing but help you succeed in life). I am currently 203 lbs 8% bf, down from last year's 228 lbs, 20.5% bf, and one very bloated ab, lol.
Anyhow, my opinion is that its partly how you eat, partly how much bodyfat you have (which can be plenty in big powerlifters), and partly from core exercises you do, as Mike Mahler has pointed out elsewhere.
I can stick my stomach out to make me look pregnant, but I’m not overtly obese or fat. I think it comes from the ability to have good intraabdominal pressure when doing heavy exercises. Patricia’s guy, ko, can do this also. I can post a pic if you would like.
yeah! and we’ll call it body for bubba and we can all take “before” pics and then immediately take “after” pics and we can owe it all to that eicy stuff (the bug juice
(looks around sheepishly)-i hate to admit it, but i actually glossed over this article as just a fluff piece. i routinely use power breathing in lifting (squats, deads, etc) to protect my spine. i sort of figured that pulling all that air into my stomach to improve IAP was part of the problem.
then i realized how much more lean and muscular (not to mention sore) i get after a large bout of sneezing/coughing for a few hours.
i have been using the valsalva manuever without forcefully expelling the air from my diaphram-therebye training the TA to stay in the Out position>ie the baby in the oven look
JOhn, I hadn’t got around to reading your article until now. This definately looks like something I need to work on. I’ve lsot a lost of fat this year, but have a bit of a distented belly. Thanks!
I’m wondering how to incorporate it into squatting/deadlifting. I’m guessing I should be at the advanced level before trying that?