Hello T-men & T-vixens. I have just recently started working on my body composition again as I have been stagnant for nearly two years now. I was wondering if any of my fellow T-brothers or sisters out there has made a major transformation. I am currently 265 lbs @ 35% BF or so and have been on the Fat Fast Diet for nearly 2 weeks, started at 280 lbs @ 39%. During the summer of 1998 I was in the neighborhood of 450 pounds, 6’2" tall wearing a size 64 pant. I would eventually like to be around 10% body fat at 220 pounds. Needless to say I have a lot of work ahead of me. I find it hard to picture myself as a true t-man but I thought if there were some other members that could share their stories that would at least help with the motivation when I walk past the gauntlet of brownies, cookies, cakes, pizza, etc. that I face everyday here at work and at home. Thanks.
Wow! You’ve lost 185 lbs! Keep it up, and you are already a true t-man in my book.
Hey, good job doing the fat fast, thats a tough one to follow, (ok, so its probably THE toughest). Stick with it, you can be a true T-man, you will choose whether or not you are by the choices you make each day with your diet and training. To help with the cravings I hope you are taking md6, it helped me, but if not, definately get some. Other things people I know have tried include sugarless gum, and just drinking ice water if you get a craving, cause sometimes cravings just come from being bored, and people snack just so they are doing something. Just think about the type of body that is built with brownies and pizza everytime you see those foods, and eventually you will want them a whole lot less. (or just look at the people you see eating them, that usually does it for me)
Hey, it looks like you’ve done an awesome job so far! Keep up the good work, and about calling yourself a “T-Man”, in my book you already are for taking the initiative to change. good luck.
I’d like to borrow a quote from someone that I read on these message boards. “No food tastes as good as being ripped feels.” Put that on a piece of paper and use a magnet to stick that on your fridge. I think it has really helped me.
You have too much weight to lose to do it using Fat Fast. Switch to Don’t Diet or you’ll be sorry. You won’t be able to stick to such an extreme dieting plan for so long. If you are not using ergogenic aids you will probably lose a lot of muscle in the process too. I suggest eating 150 g carbs, 60 g fats and 3 g/kg lbm protein. You’ll shed the fat off like crazy. Another thing, if you are dieting, you don’t see pizzas, snacks and things like that. They do not exist. They should not bother you more than rocks…
i dont have THAT much experience cutting, but my gut tells me that you should switch between fat fast and another type of diet (less extreme one-- dont diet, zone, zig zag, whatever) at like 2 month intervals. You probably will go crazy over carbs and whatnot if you don’t, i would have anyway i am sure.
I appreciate the advice. I am only going to do the fat fast for 6 weeks to get me started. I am hoping to get down to 240 or so with this diet and then I am going to move into the T-Dawg or Don’t Diet or something of that sort until I get down to around 215 and then I plan to go on the Massive Eating diet until I get down to around 200. At that point I will transition the Massive Eating into a mass building diet and try to put on the lean mass. I figure that getting to 200 will take at least another 6 months and then the 20-30 pounds of muscle a year or two! As for supplements I am taking 35x2 Androsol and 2x3 MD6. You’re right! MD6 does do an awesome job of curbing cravings.
When i changed from training for football to physique i weighed 262 at 25%bf. Now i am 240 at 10%. This has been over the span of four years.
ZMan, I’ve been there. I was 5ft 11, 275 lbs, 35 % fat or more. I dieted down to 152 lbs, now I am approx 190 lbs and struggling with bf % and excessive skin roll around my waist. I tried 6 weeks of cyclic ketogenic diet and 6 weeks of T-Dawg diet. It works like a charm, but then it stops working at all and whatever you do, you can’t lose fat. It happens around 8 week mark for me. For some people, without some serious anabolic usage, ketogenic diets also slow down the metabolism. I would use them to shed the last layer of fat and not in the beginning. Please, listen to me and utilize Don’t Diet Diet I proposed to you. Another thing, it is very hard to diet down a lot of weight straight… you should stop every once and while to reset the thyroid by eating carbs around maintenance calories or even by bulking for a limited period of time. My best bet would be to alternate bulking and dieting periods. 50 % protein - 25 % carb - 25 % fat diet works like a charm for ex obese and therefore mostly insuline resistant people like you and me. Also, do not cut calories above 10xbw in lbs, preferably 11-12xbw + some cardio along with weight lifting…
I haven’t made a major transformation yet, but I wanted you to know there are others in the same boat as you. I’m 6’2, 305, approx 40-42% bodyfat. I did the Fat fast for 2 weeks, lost a few pounds, but I realized it is not for people like me (and YOU). We are not 20 lbs overweight and needing to lose weight quickly. We have 50,b 60, 70 lbs to lose. Thus, we have to change our lifestyle, not go on a super-restrictive diet. I have recently realized this.
I have also decided to go on a high-carb, moderate-high prot and low-fat diet. The reasons? 1) it is something I can follow for the rest of my life. 2) I’m a big man and I love to eat. High-carb diets are the only diets where you can a lot and still maintain low calories. As long as you make sure you are not eating simple carbs, but complex, you’re in the clear.
I am trying to make sure I eat 6x a day, so that I never feel too hungry. This is almost a cliche, but it really is a good technique.
I am also a professional wrestler, and my energy demands are sky-high. A high-carb diet is simply the best diet for athletes.
Now that I think about it, there is a success story I can pass on: there’s a kid in my wrestling camp who has lost almost 200 lbs! He’s 6’7, 330, but he used to weigh 520. He also preaches the 6 meals a day habit.
There is also another guy who has lost 90 lbs, from 320 to 230. He’s a computer programmer and looks exactly like what you would expect a programmer to look like (not the most handsome devil around). Used to drink 12 Cokes a day-now he has 1 Diet Coke a day and that’s it.
ANyway, I’m rambling.
I’d just like to add that if you ever want to email or IM, I’ll post my regular email addy (or you can post yours. Whatever)
Peace and good luck