Major Help With Fat Loss Diet

As the title suggests, I need major help

I want to lose fat. Period. I lift 4-5 times a week, I do cardio at least 3 times a week (basketball) and I eat mostly whole foods.

I realize that there are about a million approaches to losing fat, but I need to help with my approach. I tried the V-diet and got alright results but my energy levels were completely gone and i felt sick all the time.

I see the mens health articles about how to get “a body like a cover model” and they all seem ridiculous. I need some guidelines

So i am making a questionarre/interview deal where I ask some questions and i would appreciate it if you guys could answer those questions for me

  1. When should I eat my carbs, and what time should I stop eating carbs? And what are good carb sources, i love toast w/pb and i have carb style bread(8g carbs/slice 3 are fiber).

  2. What are some good snack that I can have, I love peanut butter and i usually fall on an apple w/ pb or carrots w/pb. Any better suggestions. I eat mostly fruit for snacks. I also have Metabolic Drive shakes for snacks.

  3. I like most veggies (tri-color peppers, carrots, broc., celery, spinach) what can I do with them, thats easy and quick.

  4. What can i eat for meat other than chicken?

  5. What should I do for lunch? What do you guys eat for lunch?

  6. I love salad but it never seems to be enough to satiate. Should I just eat more, i don’t use much dressing at all, not close to a serving. I usually eat a medium sized bowl.

  7. What about breakfast, i don’t have much time to make it. Should i have carbs at this time or should i go for eggs?

Thats all i can think of right now. PLEASE help me get closer to my goal. I am lean everywhere but my stomach and chest (not like mitties or a gut but no visible abs and thats what i want, not even a 6 pack just a little bit.)

Any other ideas you guys have, i am open to. Thanks for the help everyone and good luck with your training and nutrition.

  1. Carb timing is essential. Breakfast and withing an hour either way of your workout is fine. Stick to whole food sources, whole grains, fruits, vegetables.

  2. Good start, I like nat pb on celery(“ants on a log” if you use raisons)

  3. Eat them, make a salad, cook with them. Really whatever you want, not my specialty.

  4. Lean beef, pork sparingly, turkey is great, tuna, venison, etc especially anything wild or grass fed.

  5. Grilled chicken breast basted with olive oil while it is on the grill. Either pepper or pepper/cinnamin or pepper/lemon pepper or pepper/ginger or pepper/garlic to taste/ect I throw in a piece of fruit or a veggie and eat.

  6. Throw a little cut up grilled chicken in there.

  7. Find a good protein source, throw in some unprocessed carb and eat. Breakfast is one of the best times to eat your carbs.

Other advice, if you drink stop, if you smoke stop, there.

thanks for the help Zagman, can someone give me a little information on carb timing and carb cycling? Do you go really low carb for a few days then carb load for a day? and this day must be a heavy training day right?

I made a post, but it hasn’t show up. Any way check this site for some good articles on carb cycling. If my post doesn’t show up I will retype it.

what should i eat for breakfast? i usually either have a half cup of ceral (kashi go lean crunch almond flax), w/ a little skim milk, a piece of whole wheat toast (3/8gm of carbs are fiber) w/pb and an apple…or 3 eggs (2 whites, 1 whole) and red pepper and an apple and have green tea for my drink…any advice with this, should i drink a protein drink instead of something like MD shake with an apple?

Not bad breakfasts, a protein shake and an apple is a good snack during the day.

If anything, post an entire days food log with a macro breakdown, carbs, protein, calories, with times taken in.

Do you know where your maintenance calorie level is, where are you at. You seem to be worrying about what you eat a lot, take it slowly and manage your caloric intake and carb timing.

Also, how tall, how old, what weight, what bf% etc.

Lower your carb intake. It’s simply the fastest most efficient way to lose weight IMO.

i really don’t know how to breakdown my food, how many grams of protein is in a single serving of chicken?..according to the harris-benedict formula my maintenance calorie intake is about 3021. So I cut that by 20% and im at 2417 right?

height: 6ft (183cm)
Weight: 190 (86kg)
age: 19
bf: I cant even guess, i dont know enough about body fat. basically i only have some fat on my stomach and some on my chest. my legs and arms are pretty lean and my back is getting there.

Here was my day today, which is a normal day:
Animal Cuts training pack
1/2cup kashi ceral w/skim milk, a piece of low carb toast w/pb an apple and green tea.

Went to gym about an 45 minutes after
Shoulders and stomach today
Arnold press 3x12
Upright row 3x8
Side lateral raise 3x8

Shrugs 3x10
Face pulls 3x10
Triset abs:
decline crunch w/twist
rope crunch
side bend
then i did some planks 1 min sides and front

PWO meal
Chocolate milk but i usually have Surge
can of tuna w/mayo
2 pieces of toast to put the tuna on
1 serving of carrots

then about an hour later i had a rice cake w/pb

then shot around the basketball for about 2 hours

Animal Cuts Training pack

3 eggs (1 whole, 2 whites) with turkey and red pepper
1 serving of carrots

right now (8:30pm) im having a Metabolic Drive shake and will eat again before the night is over, maybe a salad (1/2 spinach, 1/2 romaine lett)

i know this is a lot to take in but i really would appreciate the feedback

Ok, wow you are pretty close to me caloric wise. 6’ 210, 2400kcal cut, 3000kcal maintenance.

Animal Cuts Training Pack? I don’t know what this is.

Your posted day looks pretty good. If the Caloric estimate is close then you are off to a good start. The main thing will be consistency and gaining a feel for your diet. Good job on the amount of meals you are getting. Just keep your calories under control, and add in some mild cardio; basically just move more. With a healthy caloric restriction you will be fairly limited with the amount of cardio that you can do. Keeping it low intensity like incline walking otherwise anything too intense will start eating away at your lean mass.

I see you are running a body part split, probably not optimal for fat loss, but it isn’t the worst thing that you could be doing. You would probably be best off with total body training or an upper/lower split. I am rather partial to the upper/lower split myself, but that is just me.

For breakdowns of food, either look on the package, or you can try If you are making something more complex, then just break down the ingredients, figure servings and keep track of what you eat. Keeping a log, especially for a while will be very beneficial for you.

[quote]alaw4516 wrote:
As the title suggests, I need major help

I want to lose fat. Period. I lift 4-5 times a week, I do cardio at least 3 times a week (basketball) and I eat mostly whole foods.

I realize that there are about a million approaches to losing fat, but I need to help with my approach. I tried the V-diet and got alright results but my energy levels were completely gone and i felt sick all the time.

I see the mens health articles about how to get “a body like a cover model” and they all seem ridiculous. I need some guidelines

So i am making a questionarre/interview deal where I ask some questions and i would appreciate it if you guys could answer those questions for me

  1. When should I eat my carbs, and what time should I stop eating carbs? And what are good carb sources, i love toast w/pb and i have carb style bread(8g carbs/slice 3 are fiber).

  2. What are some good snack that I can have, I love peanut butter and i usually fall on an apple w/ pb or carrots w/pb. Any better suggestions. I eat mostly fruit for snacks. I also have Metabolic Drive shakes for snacks.

  3. I like most veggies (tri-color peppers, carrots, broc., celery, spinach) what can I do with them, thats easy and quick.

  4. What can i eat for meat other than chicken?

  5. What should I do for lunch? What do you guys eat for lunch?

  6. I love salad but it never seems to be enough to satiate. Should I just eat more, i don’t use much dressing at all, not close to a serving. I usually eat a medium sized bowl.

  7. What about breakfast, i don’t have much time to make it. Should i have carbs at this time or should i go for eggs?

Thats all i can think of right now. PLEASE help me get closer to my goal. I am lean everywhere but my stomach and chest (not like mitties or a gut but no visible abs and thats what i want, not even a 6 pack just a little bit.)

Any other ideas you guys have, i am open to. Thanks for the help everyone and good luck with your training and nutrition.[/quote]

  1. Load up on gluten-free carbs (quinoa, oats, sweet potatoes, and brown rice if you must [converts to fat easily]) at two times: breakfast and post-workout. Have green veggies with EVERY meal including breakfast. Gluten-free because most people have a mild wheat allergy although they don’t know it.

Wheat causes inflammation which is usually the cause of most problems. Also, avoid milk (high in carbs) unless it’s calorie countdown.

  1. Snacks: protein shake+psyllium or flax meal and healthy fats (almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds)+veggies

  2. Microwave those shits and slather them with soy sauce. Read Scott Abel’s article on salt.

  3. Tuna, Salmon, Ground Turkey Breast, Turkey breast, egg whites, protein powder, leanest cuts of beef you can find, any kind of white fish, shrimp, venison, buffalo. Stay away from pork (so gross) and lobster (an insect).

  4. Here is what I eat for lunch:

Training Day
1-Ground Turkey Burger
HUGE salad with: lettuce, broccoli, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, mushrooms with red wine vinegar that’s it. this probably adds up to about 6-8 cups of salad
1/2 c walnuts or pumpkin seeds

Non Training Day
7 oz white or chunk light tuna
Huge salad see above
1/4 c walnuts or pumpkin seeds

  1. see #5

  2. Unless you are super over fat (which it doesn’t sound like you are) then have some damn carbs with your breakfast. Large amounts of saturated fat slows your metabolism so eat fats but go with the healthy stuff.

Here is a good shake recipe for a training day for non training replace the oats with 1/2 c nuts or seeds:

2 scoops protein
1 serving greens+ or Superfood or other quality greens powder
.5 tbsp psyllium powder
1 c oats dry (no you won’t get fat from this it’s breakfast for god’s sake)

this will keep you full until your next meal which SHOULD be 3-4 hours later.

Full Body Workouts are best for fat loss:
Greater Growth Hormone Release
More calories burned through weight lifting
Better Conditioning
less time spent in the gym/more for recovery

remember your goal while losing fat is maintaining muscle so don’t go to failure all the time…check out some of Chad Waterbury’s and Christian Thibadeau’s articles on fat loss (they are radically different, but that’s the best because you can figure out what works for you and when you’ve finished one…do the one you didn’t do before.)

last thing: COMPLEXES ARE SO INSANE. that is the real man maker right there.
also do both kinds of cardio low-medium intensity after weight training…intervals on non-weight days…you will need some CNS recovery supps…check out Power Drive

I know about some complexs but can you do one that hits your chest??