Thought you guys might like to see this. 40 min documentary of magnus samulson, talks about his training, strongman, eating, ext. Also you get to see him move some heavy weight. It’s an old video but I have never seen it all online before.
If I remember correectly his brother is also strong as hell and comeptes in strongman. wether he’s drug free or not his family seems to have some great genetics
[quote]Nikiforos wrote:
He seems like such an honest, down-to-earth yet smart guy.
I’ve never really considered this before, but he says he’s completely drug free. If that’s true he really is a freak of nature.[/quote]
you can never be 100% sure, but based on his physique/ longevity in the sport-he has been competing longer then any strongman- and the fact he has been strong his whole life working from a very young age doing very hard manual labor its very possible he could have the strength he does. Also the fact that he seems like a very trust worthy person.
I too think it is possible that he hasn’t used steroids, and I choose to believe him. He was always strong, and his strength gains has come very gradually over many many years as well. Also his musclemass has been packed on slowly but surely over 20 years.
[quote]deat wrote:
Awesome video, anyone else amazed by his commmand of the english language? The weight he doubles in bench press is insane…[/quote]
Yep, he claims his best non suited bench is 660. I think in Sweden and many other parts of the world, as kids they have to learn English also-or do on there own- could be wrong though.
[quote]Nikiforos wrote:
irishpowerhouse wrote:
Notice how he says. Dont fear carbs, people are scared of gaining weight. You have to get heavy to be strong
If only he read T-Nation growing up… he could have become carb-phobic too.[/quote]
He grew up on a farm working all day and is still very active. That’s a whole other world compared to your average desk jockey these days.
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