Taylor Atwood (74kg IPF Record Holder) Claims Lifetime Drug-Free

Damn, not sure what prompted him to make this post on Instagram but here’s the link.


What do you guys think? I know that not every guy who is kinda big and lean, or bench presses 315 for reps is using peds. But when somebody is lifting as much as Taylor does (I think his lifts out total the top records in untested powerlifting) I can’t help but to be suspicious. Thoughts? What’s the chance he’s really natty lol.

I don’t think it’s worth caring about


Juice up and kick his ass, you can do it, man

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He’s a manlet so that gives him instantly a 20% strength boost. I have no reason NOT to believe him. I also don’t really care enough to disbelieve or believe him.


I thought halflings got a bonus to dexterity…


Gimli didn’t seem like he gave much thought to that attribute.

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Gimli is a dwarf not a halfling…

He gets bonus to constitution.

Wow we’re all nerds.


How tall is he? If he’s under 5’ 6" I think he could be legit drug free.

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